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A few days had passed, but by every passing day the assassins’ interest in working in a group spiked. There was a thrilling feeling rushing through their nerves at the thought of having a job that required something none of them were able to practice or train for, it was trust. The sun glared down between the wispy noon clouds. Downtown was bustling with people, everyone seemed perfect. There were smiles, handshakes, waves, even a few hugs here and there. But someone with open eyes could see the reality, the ignorant had their pockets picked in less than a blink of an eye, shoplifters walked into the street without fear, and the screams from nearby alleyways went unnoticed by the pedestrians. Those who did notice barely spared a thought, it was normal after all. A man walked into a convenience store, he was there to buy food and standard goods that were seen as necessities. But he was far from any normal man. Same with the next one that entered, both passed through aisles, placing goods into their grocery bags.

“Hey, do you know where they moved the banana milk?”

The younger male turned to the right towards the man next to him, his clean fitted white t-shirt and blue ripped jeans contradicting his seemingly child-like question. The elder chuckled quietly and pointed to a refrigerator to the right.

“Right over there.”

“Ah, thank you sir.”

As they walked past each other, their eyes met for a split second. It was him. The assassin with the red mask, and the other with the green one. The voice, the eyes, even the hair looked too similar to be a coincidence.

“So, you come here often?”asked Jungkook, other-wise known as the prissy kid with the red mask by the male standing before him.

“Yeah, how about you?”replied Hoseok, a mischievous look in his eyes, it was like the green reptile-like mask had imprinted itself on his face in Jungkook’s mind.

“Not as often as you may think.”Jungkook said, taking his groceries to the register.”I don’t get out much.”

“Ah, I see. Are you a college student?”Hoseok was trying to pry enough information from the younger, maybe he could find out more about Jungkook before the day they would cross paths in disguise once more.

“Oh no, I just work small jobs.”smirked Jungkook, catching onto the other’s plan.”How about you?”

“Same with me, except I focus my work more along machinery and tech.”said Hoseok.

“Hmm, you must be one smart guy huh.”said Jungkook with a forced smile.”Mind if I get your name? I need to know the name of my banana milk savior anyway.”

“The name’s Hoseok. How about you kid?”


Jungkook nods and scribbled something down onto the receipt he had just received. He placed it onto the counter and walked out, merging into the crowd of people like a drop of water into a raging rapid. Hoseok shook his head and walked to the cashier, picking up the modified receipt in front of him.

‘I’ll see you again soon, don’t wuss out on me’

“Tch, I hate this kid already.”sighed Hoseok, tucking the note into the pocket of his sweatpants.


Similarly, more assassins began to notice each other’s presence. It might’ve been a short interaction on the street, in a store, or on the way home but they knew for sure it was one of the others. Hoseok and Jungkook had seen each other, curious in the others’ skills. It was interesting, they had so little trust and loyalty to one another yet their longing to learn about hidden secrets was just too strong. It was just strong enough to be able to make their subconcious want to know more. The two most reluctant assailants had decided to test out how well their teamwork would stand against the world.

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