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The second meet up now began, at the same place and at the same time. Only this time, Namjoon decided to wait out in the open, now wearing a plain grey t-shirt and black jeans, leaning against the side of his black suv. The others arrived, some had greeting each other with a nod while others watched from their vehicles. Once everyone had arrived Namjoon had restated his proposal, his benefits, and requests once more.

“So, do we all have a deal?”

And for the first time, they all agreed. Finally taking the time to introduce themselves in a crude and hurried manner from left to right.

“I’m RM, but you can call me Namjoon. I specialize in hacking and strategic planning.”said Namjoon.

The man wearing a brown trench coat and a black mask stepped forward, his hands tucked in his coat pockets.”I’m Jin, I usually use long range weaponry but any type of firearm is fine.”

Next was the man in a normal grey and black hoodie, his face covered by an identical black mask.”I’m V, but my nickname’s Tae. I like using knives or anything with a blade.”

Next was the one with a white metal face mask, outfitted with a blue denim jacket.”I’m Jimin, I
use bombs and poisons, although I’m not very good at using firearms or knives of any kind.”

The next one wore a green mask, his eyes calculating everyone’s features once they pulled down their mask to speak so he followed suit and revealed himself.”I’m Hoseok, but I’m known as ‘Hope’ on the deepweb. I know how to use close range machinery and configure traps.”

Right after stood a younger man wearing a red mask, pulling it down as he spoke,”I’m Jungkook. I use firearms, knives, and I specialize in hand to hand combat.”

And lastly stood a man wearing a full-face black mask, his leather jacket loosened as he rubbed the back of his neck.”I’m Suga, and I know how to use firearms but I prefer arson.”

They all faced him, waiting for him to remove his mask and reveal himself just as they all had. But after a couple of seconds, it was clear it wasn’t going to happen.

“Hey why don’t you take off your mask?”asked Jimin, trying to make a joke out of the situation that was beginning to cause some second guessing within the new group.”Are you just really ugly or something?”

“I’d prefer not to talk about it.”Suga replied, no one could see any of his features for his entire face was covered with black cloth.”I know you might not trust me due to this, but that won’t make me any less loyal.”

It was difficult for the others to agree with the mysterious being in front of them, but maybe they were being a bit too open for the first meeting. After all, they had already revealed each other’s real names to a bunch of assassins. But Namjoon was smarter than that, he wouldn’t add anyone he didn’t trust into the group. Now it was just time to begin preparations for their first heist.

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