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A few days had passed. Jin had recovered from his minor injuries and things were back in full swing. The heists were repetitive and boring to say the least without their entire team. Ever since Jimin was raped again, he hasn't been the same. He wouldn't speak unless spoken to, and his replies were short and stiff. The event had reopened the mental wounds of his past, but it wasn't only him who had a suffering psyche. Suga was outside, watching the city skyline. The bright midday blue sky and wispy clouds created a peaceful and calm atmosphere, which was nearly unheard of in a place as hellish as this. Namjoon walked out with two cups of black coffee in his hands, standing a friendly distance away from Suga. He handed a cup to Suga who looked at Namjoon in a funny way before sighing and taking the cup while taking off his mask. Namjoon inspected Suga's features carefully, what he had learned about Suga during his search for recruits was that it was a rare moment to see his entire face uncovered. It was the exact opposite of what he had envisioned. Namjoon had imagined Suga being rugged, and tough looking underneath his disguise. But here he is, looking like a soft and well-kept man.

"You shouldn't wear a mask in front of us."Namjoon said, noticing the way Suga's grip on the styrofoam cup tightened.

"But then Jimin will know it was me."Suga said, looking down at his drink."I can't believe I slipped up like that."

"It's all in the past now. You know Jiminie, he'll forgive you no matter what."

"And what if he doesn't."Suga said, turning towards Namjoon and giving him a stern look,"What if I do talk to him? What if I tell him everything? Like, 'Oh, hey. My name's Suga, but my real name is Min fucking Yoongi. Don't you remember me? I'm your best friend who raped you seven years ago. I'm sorry for everything.'. What then? He won't see me the same again, I'd rather have him see me as the 'Suga' he knows rather than 'Yoongi'."

"Well, first of all...You need to learn how to apologize better."Namjoon said, causing Suga to exhale loudly,"And second, you were forced to do it. It's not like you raped him for your own benefit ya know."

"No."Suga said, chugging down the rest of his drink."I chose to do it."

"So you chose to rape him?"asked Namjoon, his thoughts trying to keep up with the amount of information that's come into light.

"Yeah."said Suga, tossing his cup into a dumpster."I chose to do it. Because I knew that if I didn't do it, then our boss would've brought someone else in to. He'd bring someone rougher and lustful...someone who didn't care about Jimin."

Suga licked his lips and looked at the sky,"I don't regret my decision at all. I just wish that I'd met Jimin in a different way. He deserves to be protected, maybe we can start over as 'normal' friends in our next life, but still...there wasn't a second that went past me when I wasn't worried about him."

"I know that I don't have experience dealing with these types of situations...but I suggest you tell Jimin the truth. You and Jimin are very close as of now, but you're just living a lie. I don't even know if you can call that living."

Suga pursed his lips in thought and bobbed his head,"We'll see. I'll tell him eventually."

Footsteps were heard from the entrance of the base and Suga quickly pulled his mask over his face once more. Jimin walked out, turning his head to the left before turning to the right to see the two other men. Namjoon looked over at Suga and nudged his side. Suga cleared his throat and walked forward.

"Hey Jiminie, wanna hang out at my place tomorrow?"

Jimin shook his head,"I have to test out a new calibration process for a few bombs."

Suga froze, his mind hitting a brick wall as Jimin continued speaking,"Namjoon, I'm going out with Jungkook to buy some more food."

"Sure go for it."

Jungkook and Jimin hurried to their vehicles while Suga stood there dumbfounded, Namjoon tried to stifle his laughter by covering his mouth with his hand."What...was that Namjoon?"

"Rejection Suga."Namjoon smiled, seeing the whites of Suga's eyes widen a bit from underneath the mesh eyeholes.

"It's annoying."Suga pouts, crossing his arms and walking back inside."And he decides to go off with Jungkook. What the hell is wrong with that boy?"

Behind all the heists, killings, and exposure, they were a few childish boys just trying to get through life. At least, that's how Namjoon thought of it as. He made a mental note with Suga, if he was hiding this much from the others, then what else was hidden within their little group.

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