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“No that’s not right.”says Tae, watching as Jimin continued practicing his skills against a punching bag.”Your wrists are gonna snap if you keep punching like that.”

“But I’m doing exactly what you told me to do!”whined Jimin.”Look! I’m twisting it as I punch, and I’m even turning my hips at the same time see!”

“Ah Jiminie, but you’re so stiff. Your muscles need to be loosened or else they’ll snap under all the tension.”

“Ugh this is too hard.”groaned Jimin.”Look, Tae, I’m trying my best but I don’t think I’ll be able to learn how to fight by the heist. Can you just teach me how to hold a knife? Or maybe how to use a gun?”

Tae paused, shaking his head.”Like hell I’m teaching you how to use a knife. Here.”

Tae throws Jimin a standard magnum, watching him nearly drop it as he caught it in his hands.”If you can’t even hold it right then how will you learn how to aim?”

“Hey you threw it at me!”Jimin took an unsteady hold of the gun, holding it up shakily in his hands.”Like this?”

“I mean if you wanna lose a thumb, then yeah hold it like that.”chuckled Tae, walking over to the bewildered Jimin.”If the only experience you have with holding a gun is watching action movies then I might understand your struggle. But you work with us for god’s sake.”

Jimin blushed in embarrassment, being taught by his younger was very awkward. And Tae could see right through his struggles. Tae maneuvered Jimin’s hands to hold the gun correctly before walking back to his spot. This area was quite nice. It was in the middle of the scrap yard right on top of their base. It was a place that Jungkook and Tae had created while waiting for Namjoon’s next job, it was a small training area under a large tilt made of metal to block the sun’s rays. Other than that, it was freezing cold as the winter wind nipped at Jimin’s soft exposed skin. Once Tae reached his own spot he turned to Jimin and smirked.

“Shoot me.”

“W-What?”gasped Jimin, seeing Tae get in his stance.”What if I hurt you?”

“Then you pass.”said Tae,”You need to know how to shoot a person if you wanna use a gun.”

Jimin lifted his gun up, wearily looking at Tae. Jimin then closed his eyes and fired the gun, a high pitched ring in his ears once he realized he had turned his head away in fear. He didn’t even want to open his eyes.

“Hey, you missed.”

Jimin’s eyes opened and he looked over at Tae who didn’t even move an inch, a bullet hole was seen right in the center of the metal warehouse.”Oh…”

“Try again.”

This continued on and on until the sun went down. Jimin wasn’t even able to land a scratch against Tae. But he had to admit, Jimin was pretty damn sure that if he even landed a shot on Tae then he would’ve made a run for his car. This lesson was taking way too long.

“I guess that’s enough for today.”

“Thank god!”

“No, thank me.”

Tae was surprised, he thought for sure that Jimin would’ve quit after the first day. But he was wrong, he was only improving with every lesson. So much so that Jimin had actually begun sparring against him.

“He’s actually getting pretty good.”said Hoseok.

He had finished welding his creations together into one huge rug-like structure that was bendable yet sturdy. Suga watched as Jimin dodged Taehyung’s attacks in short swift motions. He definitely didn’t have the strength to take him down, but Jimin sure did have the speed.

“He learns how to do things fairly quickly.”Suga said just loud enough for Hoseok to decipher his words.

“You seem to have taken a liking towards him.”Hoseok smiles,”That’s nice. It must be nice, making a friend.”

“I’m your friend too aren’t I Hoseok?”asked Suga, his eyebrows furrowing underneath his mask.”We’re all your friends.”

“Please.”scoffed Hoseok, watching as Jimin kicked Tae’s legs from under him which caused the younger to land on his back.”I’m not here to make friends. I’m just here to get that clean slate.”

“Well, you can gain more than just a restart button when working with us.”said Suga,”It’s your decision whether or not you want to gain something more.”

“I also have the choice to lose something.”said Hoseok, Tae propping backup to throw a swing.”I don’t want my heart broken again. After what happened with my sister...I don’t know. Maybe

if I become attached and something happens to one of you, I’ll be pushed over the edge and become someone who...I wouldn’t want to be.”

“Well, if you keep thinking that then you’ll die alone.”said Suga, walking past Hoseok,”I’m gonna go downstairs and help Namjoon with the wiring, wanna help?”

Hoseok watches Suga walk down the steps, not even waiting for a reply. He shakes his head, his elder’s rhetorical questions were annoying at best. With one last look at the two training outside, he takes a step before deciding to head home.

“I don’t belong here.”

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