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~1 Week Later~

“Taehyung you can’t just stay there like that 24/7.”sighed Namjoon.

Tae was sitting next to the still unconscious Jungkook back at their base. It had been an entire week since the heist and the news had spread throughout the country about the corrupt politicians and now the police force was having a say in the matter. Bullshit was sprouted through televisions everywhere. ‘The vigilantes have been caught’, ‘The vigilanties died along with the entire prison’, ‘The vigilanties WERE the prisoners’. Bullshit, bullshit, and even more bullshit. Namjoon’s head ached from all the research he was doing and Tae wasn’t making it any better by loitering around in a place he saw as his own house every day. Even though everyone was free to stop by and ‘hang’, Namjoon always had at least ten hours of alone time. But now, all he knows is that Tae is acting like he owns the place.

“But I need to apologize to Kookie right when he wakes up.”said Tae, still keeping his eyes on Jungkook’s chest as it rose and fell.

“How do you know he won’t attack you right when he sees you?”

“Like I said, I’ll apologize to him right when he wakes up.”

Namjoon sighed once more and covered his eyes with his hands. Hoseok was sitting in the corner, building some router devices, were they router devices? Namjoon didn’t know anymore, his brain was filled with random analytics and words that left Tae’s smart, yet annoying, mouth.

“Well, I finished.”said Hoseok.”I need to stop by the pharmacy.”

“Bring Tae with you.”

“What why?!”whined Tae.”Please lemme stay, Jungkook can wake up any second now.”

“I don’t think the first thing he sees when he wakes up should be your bigass nose, now get out of here and give me some peace and quiet for an hour!”snapped Namjoon.

It was something straight from an animated movie, Tae and Hoseok found themselves above ground and in the blinding sun as the door behind them slammed shut in less than two seconds. Tae groaned and sat outside the door, Hoseok looked down at him and straightened out his mouth into a thin line.

“Let’s go get some food while we’re at it huh?”

“Sure.”said Tae,”Maybe Jungkook will be happier if I get him some food.”

Hoseok smiled, something about Tae has changed. He was quieter, he made less jokes. And he seemed to care a bit more about others. From what he could tell, Tae was a whole different person. Tae hopped into Hoseok’s car and the two of them drove down the winding road to the bridge. While Hoseok was focusing on driving, Tae was worrying over him. This was a weird feeling to have, but Tae knew something was wrong with Hoseok. Ever since they’ve been living together he’s noticed that Hoseok wouldn’t move often, that he would just lay down and sleep. That and whenever they were having a good time and laughing, Hoseok would break into sudden coughing fits that even water couldn’t cure and he would place a hand over his heart. There was something more, Hoseok would be fine right after taking a single pill. Right after taking one pill. In a split second his body changes and he’s normal again. Maybe he didn’t have a stroke, maybe there was something else. Hoseok parked the car and got out, making Tae shake his head and quickly open the glove box. Before Hoseok could turn to notice, Tae slipped an empty pill bottle into the pocket of his hoodie.

“I’ll just be over in the back.”said Hoseok,”You can go buy whatever you need, it’ll take like ten minutes.”

“Ah okay.”

Hoseok began walking away and Tae quickly walked into an empty aisle and took out his phone to type in the name of the medication Hoseok was taking. Tae could’ve asked Hoseok in person, but he felt like it wouldn’t lead to anything good after the first time he tried. Hoseok completely shut him down and told him it was none of his business, which made the situation even more worrying. Once the search results came up Tae tucked the bottle back into his pocket.


A form of medication utilized and distributed in pill form which should be taken orally. May have adverse side effects including depression, anxiety, sores, muscle weakness, and high blood pressure. Xianopoium is a-

“Hey, it took quicker than expected.”

Tae quickly flipped his phone back into his pocket and grabbed some random honey glazed chips in front of him.”Yeah I was just gonna buy a snack. You can go get the car started.”

Hoseok nods and heads to the exit, Tae could practically hear the pills rattling in Hoseok’s prescribed bag. It made no sense, why would Hoseok need to take them? Especially since Hoseok doesn’t seem depressed at all. There was something he was missing, Tae was missing the mental puzzle piece of Hoseok. Hoseok was definitely without a doubt fine physically, but it wasn’t like he was fine mentally. Tae walked up to the register and paid for the food before quickly getting back into Hoseok’s car.

“Got everything?”asked Hoseok.

“Yeah.”said Tae.

They were driving back, Tae was trying to observe Hoseok from the side mirror. He was the same as normal, but maybe that’s a sign. Was he bipolar? Depressed? There were too many diagnoses that he could give that were probably incorrect. But there was a chance he was right. Hoseok’s heart was fine.


A form of medication utilized and distributed in pill form which should be taken orally. May have adverse side effects including depression, anxiety, sores, muscle weakness, and high blood pressure. Xianopoium is a placebo that assists the patient to perform daily activities when they are mentally unable to do activities continuously. Used to treat anxious patients.

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