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“Have you heard anything from Jungkook?”asked Namjoon,”We start the heist tomorrow, so I just want to make sure that if he’s out of it that he’s absolutely sure that he won’t be there.”

“I’m pretty sure he isn’t gonna be there.”says Jin, his finger tapping along to the beat of the music coming from his earbuds.”You should take a break Namjoon.”

“No thanks.”Namjoon denies outright, continuing to switch through cameras on his monitor.”I’m the leader, I can’t just lollygag if you get that expression.”

“There’s nothing to ‘lollygag’ on.”Jin chuckles.”Come on, you have everything set up and all you’re doing is switching through cameras. That doesn’t sound too productive to me.”

“So what do you suggest we do?”

“Head over to my house?”asked Jin.”You never leave this base. Honestly, you never get any sunlight.”

“Maybe because I live and work here.”retorted Namjoon, realizing that if he decided to go over to Jin’s house then more information may be able to be shed to light.”But...if you insist, I’ll go to your house.”

“Cool, now let’s go. You need some fresh air, we’ll just take my car.”says Jin, taking Namjoon by the hand and pulling him out of his chair.”Finally, let’s hang out like how bros do.”

Namjoon follows Jin to his car, their hands still clasped together. It seemed strange to Namjoon, Jin would usually be touchy feely with the others and making them do activities to bond like ‘You two go drive to the grocery store and get pocky!’ or ‘Hey can you three go to the barracks and get us some grenades?!”. Just very random activities that can either be really dangerous or really mundane. Namjoon was internally hoping that he wouldn’t need to do something like that. They get into the car and Namjoon seat belts himself in. Jin’s grey BMW was well-kept and tidy, a pair of fuzzy dice hung from the rearview mirror and a pink bunny plushie was in the back seat. Jin entered the car as well, humming a little tune to himself as he closed the door.

‘Is he gay? Or maybe he just likes cute things?’

Namjoon’s analytical thoughts would never leave as Jin drove. Sexuality wasn’t much of a problem when it came to Namjoon, but for some reason it seemed relevant now that he was in a car with Jin. Why was he even thinking about this? It’s not like he likes him or anything right? Namjoon shook his head, being a closeted bisexual was a pain in the ass.

“What do you like listening to Namjoon?”asked Jin, trying to start a conversation with the younger.

“Rap or hip-hop. But rock is good as well.”Namjoon answered, seeing Jin grimace as he listed the genres.”What do you like?”

“Classical music, contemporary stuff like that.”


So far they didn’t have much in common at all. As they kept asking more questions to each other and ricocheted answers, it seemed like they were getting less and less awkward by the time they arrived at their destination. Namjoon was facing Jin’s house directly. It was a condominium in the safest area of town, red and brown bricks adorned the walls and a comfy porch swing hung to the right of the door. The flower beds were bare, the brown dirt was frozen beneath his feet and the snow crackled with every step. It was like a winter fairytale.

“What are you doing out here?”called Jin from the front door.”Hurry up, I’ll go make us some hot chocolate.”

Namjoon broke away from his poetic trance, he would do this often. He never liked staying outside for too long, he ended up looking like an idiot staring off into the distance for minutes at a time just...thinking. It’s not that he was sad or bored, he was just getting ready.

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