Love breaks all barriers

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"C'mon, were going to be late!" Sans was running as fast as he could. "You know I can't run fast!" You replied, "Plus Papyrus isn't even running!" "Just use the shortcut..." Papyrus said lazily. "I AM NOT!" Sans replied angrily. "Why not?" You replied, "Because I said so!" He replied. You just glared at him, "Fine! Just because I l-" Papyrus looked at Sans "-ate lobster for breakfast, and I like lobster!" And with that, Papyrus snapped and after an orange flash you were at queen Toriel's palace. "Your lucky I didn't whip you." Sans said blushing a bit, but you knew the real reason.

After more monsters gathered there...

"Monsters of the underground!" Toriel said proudly, "and one human" she said quietly. "We have managed to capture 7 human souls!" The crowd cheered. "I will now become a god, and free us all!" The room was now flooding with noise. "We will destroy the humans and finally reclaim the surface!" A shiver was crawling down your back, and Sans noticed. "What if we make peace with the humans?" Sans said. Everyone was staring at him, including you and Papyrus. Murmurs were passed around. Finally a monster, named Undyne spoke "Why! One of them even killed Alphys!" Papyrus was shocked "We should end the entire race of them!" More monsters agreed. "Including your pet!" Sans was pissed.

There was a silence...

"But who attacked first?" Asked a monster, Sans was calmer as the monster said it. It was Asgore, "Umm... Probably Alphys?" Undyne backed away. "Asgore! Your stupid passive ways are supposed to be in the ruins! The name fits you perfectly too." Asgore was mad now "Let's see how ya like it when I'm not passive!" With that fire appeared in his hands. "Screw off! I only want to end Sans' human!" Asgore's fire disappeared "Fine do what you want. Maybe if you weren't a cheating thot you wouldn't have a FUCKING TEMMIE for a child." Asgore stomped off. "wHot a SpICy conversaTioN" a Flowey said.

After the room was silent after the argument...

"Human... Accept your judgement..." Toriel pointed a trident at you. "STOP!" Sans' eye was flaring blue. Toriel threw a fire ball at him which took out his bone attacks. Papyrus intervened, 10 Gaster blasters were pointing to Toriel with their mouthes open. "Sans may be a piece of shit, an attention whore, and a hot head but I still love him!" Papyrus said. "Fine we'll make piece with the humans, but if anything happens to ANY monster we're going to end their lives."

Everyone agreed.

(Next is the Epilogue! Also thanks to Underswap ashley, Legiontales, and fandomtrashcantalk for liking my story! Requests are still ope, bit if I get no comments (like usual" I'll just pick a random Sans. Have a great day! -holywaterisdangerous)

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