Chapter 7

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'Dinner at the Way residence tonight. Expect my full review later on in the week.' After passionately making out with Bert I turn around and notice that on the reporter's, who I'm sitting next to, pad's that had notes about the evening on said that at the very top. Wow. That's all I can say, and I thought it wouldn't have to come to this. "Gee what was that for?" I hear Bert beautifully speak up.

"I don't know just something that I thought should go in the report." I smile with all my teeth showing.

"Gee." My dad says through gritted teeth across at me from the other end of the table. "This isn't going into a report. Is it Mr Lanny Jools  Badcock?" My father questions him.

"Wh-what no of course not." He nervously puts his arm on the small note book pad by his left.

"Sorry I don't think I introduced myself, I'm Mrs Shelby Badcock." She smiles sweetly at everyone sitting around the table. She then gestures towards her son. "And this is my son Jayce Peers Badcock." He just smiles at everyone anxiously.

"Well since we are introducing ourselves, I'm Mr Bert McCracken." Silence. Dead silence. That's one way to kill a room with a name.

"Wow Bert I think you killed them with your name." I can't help but laugh.

"That's one way of putting it." Bert gives his throaty laugh as well.

"Eat up." My mum cuts the tension with a smile, trust her to just brush passed everything and just focus on everything else but not what actually matters.

"Some news I thought I would share with you is that Mikey is going to be joining Gee at her new school as I thought it would be easier for them to stay close as friends." My dad smiles around at everyone and Mikey's face drops slightly but I'm the only one that noticed. My heart dropped into my stomach and I felt really sick at the thought my own father called me 'her' in front of people.

"I need a smoke-wait nope I think imma be sick." I get up and run into the nearest bathroom to puke the food that I haven't eaten in days up.

I hear Bert come running after me. "Hey hey Gerard, it's Bert come on there's nothing left for you to puke up." Bert pulls the hair away from my face as it falls into the toilet bowl.

"Ha ha shouldn't have had had so many drinks last night eh Berty." I can't help just chuckle out. I sit back on my legs to pull out a cigarette, lighting it up and taking a drag.

"I don't think you should be smoking inside Gerard." Bert scolds me while rubbing small circles on my back.

"Shouldn't you be out fucking some blonde bitch and selling drugs to thirteen year olds?" I question before getting back up and walking back to the dinning room.

"Gee Way what on Earth are you doing!" My mum freaks out at me, pointing heretically at the dangling fag that hangs from my lips.

All I do I shake my head in response. Soon enough Bert walks in just in time to catch me before I fall onto the ground, almost passing out. "Gerard you need to eat, it's killing you."

"I don't care, let it" I sigh out through shaking lips. Bert doesn't take no for an answer so goes to get something from the table that I can eat that will fill me stomach up a little bit. "See the guy that everyone calls a bad guy know my fucking name! Not only that he cares for me when none of you guys do! Bert understands me-" A hand is instantly slapped over my face to shut me up.

"Not now." I look into Bert's eyes to only see emotion, it's pouring out for everyone to see.

"Ok." We sit down at the table again and I'm forced feed some food by Bert, the only one that cares about me. "Sorry about that everyone. I'm withdrawing from the drugs." I tell them to shut up their gazes not that it did much in the way I hoped, it only made it worse.

"Right well then Jayce tell us about yourself." Dad asks the boy who hasn't said a word all evening. Probably to scared to with all my theatrics.

"I -I erm I like writing in my spare time and erm taking care of young women." Ugh what a disgusting grin he sends me, I think I might faint for real this time.

"That's lovely." Mum gushes.

"Do you play any instrument? Oh what music do you like? Do you have a favourite band?" Mikey asks each question carefully.

"I play the-the erm recorder. I prefer classical music. Classical music have groups of people, they're not really bands as such." Jayce replies nervously. literally kill me now.

"Oh. I play bass, I like rock or metal music and my favourite bands have to be The Misfits and The smiths." Mikey says happily.

"I've never heard of them." Jayce shakes his head at what Mikey was saying and just forgets everything that just came out of young Mikes' mouth, as does everyone but me. "What about you Gee?"

"What?" I question as what about me? Be blunt please.

"The same questions Micheal asked."

"Oh erm I don't really play anything, I can play a few chords on guitar, I like the same music as Mikey so rock and metal and my top bands are the same as his." I then realise my cigarette is burning incredibly close to my fingers so decide to put it out in the reporters drink that is just too tempting not to. "Oh shit sorry about that." I can't help but to hide my laugh, I can feel Bert behind me doing the same.

"Ah yeah well I didn't want a drink anyway." The table is in nervous laughter now. Ugh this party is over. I pick up the drink and poor it on the notebook that is still sitting on the table next to me.

"Excuse me but I don't like liars or cheaters so I'll be leaving." I get up to leave with Bert behind me as we make our way down the stairs to the basement, which is where we stay until the next day when I have to leave to go to school.

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