Chapter 3

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            Burn. Burn. Burn everything. Flames will spread. Everything will perish. Burn Burn. Raven was doing what she did best, causing panic, fear, and havoc on the world. Her brother stared at her with big eyes. She's having fun? Raven was having fun but she tried not to show it because she knew it was wrong. "Alright I think that's enough for now." Calum said calmly. "No, no it's not, remember Calum, I'm chaos you're order. This is what I d-d-do," she explained. Calum walked back , trying to manifest something, anything, that might cure his boredom. So far the twins have practice using their powers on people and each other. They were about equal when it came to that but Ravens power relies on her emotions, the more worked up she gets,  the greater the disaster.

        What a cute kid. He shouldn't be out in this storm. Right then and there New York had a hurricane appear out of no where. I'm tired. "Calum I'm done" she sang. Finally. Calum walked to the big screen that appeared whenever one of the walked to it. He was impressed yet horrified at what he saw. Raven burned down 3 cities, killed 14 people in accidents and made a hurricane appear. He had no idea that his sister had progressed this far. "Nice job, Raven" he complimented.
        Calum worked his powers to an great extent too. He made the hurricane disappear swiftly, and had a fire department set out the fires. Order made sure everything was at peace, and that's exactly what he did.

       While Calum was making peace in the world, Raven was getting impatient. "Hey Calum.....", she trailed off. "Hmm?" he responded. "Are w-w-we aloud to go to earth?" she asked. As twins they could feel what the other is feeling. It was the bond between them. Calum was started to get excited, and with that he knew what she was thinking. "No Raven" he stated. "OK fine," she said obediently. OK fine, I'll go to earth and have some fun.

      After that all Raven thought about was how she would escape the void. She had never made a plan in her life, and frankly didn't know how, but she had to try. As supernatural beings, her and her brother never slept, ate, or aged. They didn't need it and if they got hurt they would heal. That was her plan it takes 2 minutes to heal, if they were knocked out. So she would have to knock him out in order for her to go to the human world. I have knock him out, if I don't he'll just heal instantly. She was started to get anxious. Bad idea. Immediately her brother turned around and glared at her. "What are you thinking about?" He asked suspiciously. "N-Nothing" Calum knew his sister well enough to know that if she was stuttering she was thinking about something horrible. She can't do much harm now so I'll leave it be. So he did, he left her and her thoughts alone, unaware that there was going to be a prison break.

                 Please read!
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