Chapter 7

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"Except your fates. As a penalty for waking me your souls will be separated so long as one of you slumbers. Raven....You will remain in the forever forest. With nowhere to run nor hide, trapped in the chaos that is your mind. Calum you'll never be able to set eyes on your sister again. Do you both accept the punishment?" Millennia spoke her ruling. "All I need is one of you to say yes, if not then you both will die, and your souls will remain lost in the void." Millennia had a devilish straight face. "I accept the punishment, I would be fine without my sister." Calum had a tear run down his cheek. "WHAT!" Raven shouted. "Calum you would betray me!?" Raven could've drowned in her own tears. "Always and forever....." She looked at Calum. Calum stood up and whipped the tear off his face. "What will happen to chaos?" He said trying to erase his sisters pain. "While in the forest the power of chaos will continue to wreak havoc on the world, she just won't be conscious." Millennia explained. "NOOOOOO IM NOT GOING TO SOME FOREST! CALUM U CANT LET HER DO THIS!!" Raven hugged Calum. Not looking his sister in the eye he said "Hush, this is all because of you, none of this would've happened if you haven't left the void, your foolishness separated us." Raven was heart broken. She never would've thought her own twin would betray her. Millennia took out a sword. "This is my favorite, it can cut a soul in half making two separate ones. Stay still." With one swoop her sword cut the thread that connected the two twin souls. Neither of them felt anything. Millennia snapped her fingers knocking Raven out. "She won't wake up ever again until I decide to kill her." All Calum did was stare at his sister. "When would that be....?" Millennia stared at Raven too, sensing her desire for revenge. "Chaos and order wasn't suppose to be in two living creatures. They are supposed to be together as one. If not then they would be unstable. Once you die, I will kill her and decide who would be the next Chaos and Order. And I'll make sure that it will be one and only one person." Calum felt sad, but he knew he had to push his feelings aside. "Will the void go back to normal?" He asked. "Oh this was my room. See I am the void, when I took human form it changed to when I lived here." She couldn't hold back a laugh. "I was the first chaos and order. I used to live on earth but I once I grew older my power grew as well. So I made this. Say goodbye to your sister." Calum wished her a silent goodbye. A few seconds after that the void was back to normal. Millennia and Raven were gone, and he was alone.

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