Chapter 10

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"You've betrayed me Calum"
"It was your doing Raven. You broke the rules."
"You and that little girl Millennia will perish." I reached for Raven but her power was just too strong. The more angry she got the worse everything got. She was hurting and crying. The man standing next to her was just smiling. There was a dark aura to him. Darkness was coming out of him and going straight to Raven. What happened to her? I walked to her and.......
Misasat up, sweat dripping down her cheeks. She was breathing heavily. Was that really Raven? Calum looked just like her. Are they twins? Who was that man? What was that dream trying to tell me? She spent all night worrying for her friend. She had a feeling she would see Raven again. But will it be under good circumstances? Little did Misa know that she was clairvoyant.

In the Void...
Calum was watching the screen in disbelief. The chaos on earth has grown 7 times larger. I've 1000 people died in the last 5 minutes. Not even, order itself could fix all these wrongs. So he only fixed a few. He did nothing about the deceased but he did do something about the "bad weather". Just then, the void changed into a little girls room. What, millennia is here? "Hello Calum." She greeted him with the most stressful yet calmed face ever. Calum knew something was wrong. "What happened!?" She walked to the gate. "It seems your sister has escaped the forest and she did it with a demons help." He ran to the gate and went passed Millennia. The gate let him pass. Millennia threw him a necklace. "5 years ago when your sister went to earth, I fear she committed a taboo. I don't know for sure but go to Miami. I erased 4 teens memories there. If you sence any power from them hive the clairvoyant one this necklace. You will need their help to help your sister." He held the necklace. "She gave her power to 4 people? But why?" Millennia frowned. "I have no idea, but since they have her power, then she can control them. You sister wants revenge so be careful." Revenge? "But-" The gate slammed shut and Millennia walked away. "He talks to damn much. Well, time to find new people for the power of chaos and order."

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