Chapter 8

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Here in the forest dark and deep I offer you eternal sleep.
Burns like hell the demons aren't shy.
Once inside all you ever do is wish to die.
All we ask is your eternal sleep
after that your soul is ours to keep.
Your doubts, demons, and fear lay deep inside.
Once let out, you'll lose your pride.
Forever alone in this forest dark and deep.
Your tear will be the end of you so long as you weep.
The longer your lost in the forest the faster you'll loose your mind.
This forest will take your sanity and leave only agony behind.
Sleep sleep sleep
do whatever you have to
so you can sleep.
No one will find you no one will wonder
Who you are not if you're in an
eternal slumber.
No way to wake, no way to see the light.
unless you kill yourself or the demons
with all your might.
Embrace them, let the demons
corrupt your soul
When you'll soar like a Raven trying to find your whole.
Who controls this place you shall
never know.
For your agony is my joy and this is all but a show.
Tears of blood running down your cheeks.
For you my dear, you'll be here for more than a few weeks.
All your life, this is where you'll be.
Never seeing the light again, never being free.

-A demon soul talking to Raven.

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