Chapter Eighteen.

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Two weeks later.

P.O.V of Wally.

Artemis had been in casts for the past two weeks, but today they had been removed and replaced with support bandages, which she hated seeming I was perfectly back to normal due to my fast healing factor. But I stayed with her through it all, even when she tried to push me away. That was my duty now, to protect her whatever the price. I sat snuggled into her side as we watched Megan and Conner. They still hadn't gotten over the fact that she thought Dick was cute. And he found it even worse now for two reasons: He was Robin, She was the one who had let him back in when he wanted to kill us all. I shuddered at the thought, pushing those memories back down. I had barley seen Dick since we had left our jobs as substitute teachers, he barely came to the cave. But he just needed space and I wasn't going to invade it. And, if I'm being brutally honest, I'm not sure I can look at him as my best friend after that stunt with the fire. I know it wasn't him, but it still hurt. And even when I tried to think of him as that best friend I had had for so many years, all I could think about was the hatred and anger that had burnt in his eyes when he left me to die. It was selfish, I know, but I just couldn't face him.
"Hey Baywatch." My eyes came back into focus as Artemis waved a hand in front of my face.
"Yeah." I replied.
"Rob's coming to visit today." She said, "And I know it's selfish of me and all." She twisted a strand of hair around her finger, a nervous habit she had had since I had known her, "But, do you maybe want to head out for the day? Like, just to the mall or something until he leaves."
I should be berating her for a comment like that, trying to avoid my best friend, but instead I said, "Sure."
"I know he's your best friend and I'm sorry." She crawled over to sit on my lap.
"In all honesty Arty, I don't really want to see him myself." I admitted.
She smiled at me, "Alright then, get changed into some stylish clothes and let's go."
I looked down at my sweatpants and tank top, "What, these aren't good enough for you?"
She just raised her eyebrows and I sighed as I went to get changed. I shoved on some jeans and reached into my top draw to pull out a Batman and Robin one. I looked at the logo of my best friend for a while, the iconic R. I quickly shoved it to the back of my draw and pulled out a plain grey top, tying my trainers I met Artemis just out of the Zeta beams at the nearest Mall. She gave me a quick once over, took my arm and led me into the mall.

P.O.V of Conner.

I had listened to Artemis and Wally's conversation, I know Megan told me eavesdropping was bad, but not as bad as avoiding your own best friend.
"You look distracted." She floated over and sat at the other side of the sofa to me.
"I was just listening to Wally and Artemis-"
"What have I told you about listening to other people's conversations." She said, a slight smirk playing at her lips.
The look of her having a joke made my heart warm, but then I remembered that she had made a move of Rob and it instantly froze back over.
"They were talking about Rob." I said.
"Oh, he's coming over today." She smiled, "First time since the Owls. I even baked him some special cookies."
"M'gann." I growled, "They're avoiding him."
She looked shocked for a moment, "Why would they do that?"
"I don't know." I admitted, "Do you think we should tell Kaldur? Or Batman?"
"Maybe." She chewed on her lip, an annoying habit of hers that I loved, "But they could change their minds."
"I don't think they're going to." I said, "They just both seemed like they really didn't want to see him."
"Maybe we should ask them about it." She suggested, "They're the only ones with the actual answer."
"I know." I sighed, "It just seems cruel. He probably just wants to check that they're recovering."
"And see us." She cut in.
"I don't want you seeing him." I growled.
"This again?" She sighed and I just looked at her, "Look, Conner. It was a weightless crush. You know I never liked Robin like that. It was just his eyes pulled me in. And, when you dumped me I just needed something to get over you with. He was temporary, I'm with you 'til the end of the line."
I didn't think, I just moved over to her, took her face between my hands and kissed her. It was a kiss of love and passion. Slow, as if we had all the time in the world. And I realised that as much as I may deny it, I would be with her 'til the end of the line as well.

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