Chapter Three: Stay Focused

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Surprisingly, I slept the rest of the afternoon and night and only woke up in the morning to the sound of my cell phone alarm going off from across the room. I slowly slid over to my desk to turn it off, complaining the whole way because I was confused about my sleeping schedule, but mostly I was unnerved that I had several dreams about Peter Parker.

I was with the guy for what, three hours and a half, and my subconscious immediately becomes obsessed with him. Why, I wonder? Simply because he has a pretty face. Jeez Betty, way to be shallow and ignore the more realistic scenario which is you barely know him!

I was starving and perplexed no one woke me up for dinner, and no text messages or notifications were presented on my phone. I sighed and went about my usual routine in the bathroom before digging into the closet for something to wear. I put my hair up into the usual quick and simple ponytail, grabbed my backpack, and headed downstairs.

When I entered the kitchen, my parents were already there eating, and I was grateful they made me a plate. "Hey, why didn't you wake me up to eat dinner yesterday?"

"Morning." They chanted at the same time. "Your mother wanted to, but you were sleeping so peacefully I hated to wake you." My dad said, not looking up from the newspaper.

I swallowed what was in my mouth and took a sip of my orange juice. "Thanks, dad, honestly I needed the extra hours of sleep. I'm starving though."

Mom shook her head. "Taking naps during the day can sometimes be detrimental to you getting a good night's rest. Maybe the Adderall you're taking is giving you new side effects."

"Mom, I'm fine." I have taken medication for my ADHD since freshman year and never had a problem with the tablets. Mom was clearly overthinking this, as usual.

"Didn't you hear her? She said she needed the extra hours of sleep. It was just one night." Dad intervened.

"Hal, not sleeping at the right time affects the consistency of her productivity." Mom crossed her arms over her chest, turning to me again. "You have accomplished so much, Betty, I don't want anything jeopardizing that. It's so easy to slip. I just need you to be as smart as I know you are. And stay focused." She rubbed my back in circular motions. Same old conversation. She says that every year.

We were silent for a moment until mom spoke again. "So, have you met Archie's new friend?"

I stopped chewing to look at her.

"I saw a boy leaving Fred's house last night, his bike was in their driveway for hours. I don't think I've seen him before, and we heard there's a new family in town." She explained.

"Were you spying on them?" I asked with amusement, hypocrisy secretly pouring out of me. Like mother, like daughter, it seems.

Mom rolled her eyes. "Of course not."

"His name is Peter. Moved here from Queens. He has a step-sister, Veronica, we have a few classes together." I said vaguely, that's all she needed to know. Mom always tried to insert herself into my love life, well lack thereof. Not that Peter Parker applied in that department, but I knew she was already imagining things.

"They're the family that's been buying the abandoned proprieties on Providence Street. I mean, it has to be them. Who else could it be?" I knew she was dying to get some inside information from me, but I simply nodded my head.

That silent nod apparently satisfied her for the time being. I finished my food and gulped down the remaining juice before placing the cup in the sink. "I need to go earlier today, I really don't want to be late again." I announced quickly, already making my way out of the house.

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