Chapter Twenty-Two: Reunion

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I woke up with a sense of peace knowing that yesterday was the last day of school before March break began. It was also the day Peter, Veronica, Archie, Alana, and Harry were heading down to New York once again for a few days.

I was dawned far too early for my taste when my alarm when off at quarter to six. I was very tempted to hit the snooze button but I knew I just didn't have that luxury today. Grumbling I took a quick shower, let my hair down, and dressed simply and comfortably since we would be in the car most of the day.

Peter loaded both of our bags into Harry's trunk, my mother hovering nervously. When he shut it she began speaking.

"So you have everything, your clothes, money, ID, cell phone..."

"Yes mom, I triple-checked last night, you were there, remember?"

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry. Please call me when you're halfway there and when you arrive at the hotel. And if anything goes wrong you call me straight away and we'll be there." She continued to worry.

"Of course, mom."

"So what rooms are each of you in?"

My heart stopped and I froze thinking she's gonna murder Peter if she finds out. She didn't ask this last time, I guess because she assumed we had two separate beds.

After a few seconds of stunned silence, though it felt like a millennium, Veronica jumped in to save the day. "Well, I don't know about those two." She giggled and pointed towards Alana and Harry who were currently making out against the jeep. Not heavily but enough to not notice the tension around us.

"But Betty and I are roomies this week, Archie sounds like a mac truck when he snores and I need my beauty sleep. I know about Peter's sleeping habits, I know he has such a thick head the sound just bounces right off of him." She said this with a completely serious face and the rest of us nodded eagerly. Peter didn't even bug Veronica for the jab she made at him, happy that he'll live to see another day.

"See I told you, Alice, now stop with the inquisition and let them have fun for Christ's sake." My father chided. My mother still looked suspicious but with no proof her stare backed off. I sent a silent prayer to every deity that has ever been worshiped by mankind and squeezed Peter's hand.

We murmured our love before getting into Harry's jeep. About two hours later it seemed like longer with Archie passed out and snoring against the back door and Veronica's constant talk.

Five hours and four pit stops later we were on the outskirts of New York. Harry honked his horn when we passed the sign "Welcome to New York: Experience, Explore, Enjoy".

I smiled brightly when Harry began driving through the streets. Even though we were tired and it was dark out Peter couldn't resist pointing out little shops along the way.

While Riverdale was my home, as they say, home is where the heart is and Peter's in Queens. I could tell he missed the bustling city. This is officially the first time we would be here just as ourselves. Peter wouldn't be super active as Spider-Man as it would be too overwhelming and we genuinely wanted to enjoy our break.

When we got out of the cars everyone groaned in pleasure as we tried to get the feeling back in our legs. Even Veronica was looking a little stiff. Grabbing our luggage, we went to the front desk to check into the three rooms we booked. We were so exhausted from the trip we just got changed, brushed our teeth in a daze, and set the alarm on the clock before falling into the mattress and cuddling closely.

I was asleep instantly.


Peter's POV

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