Chapter Ten: Welcome To Riverdale

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Peter's POV

After Betty made her way inside her house I couldn't find the desire to move, choosing instead to watch her as she walked. When she got to her back door she paused before turning back to look at me, a slight blush on her cheeks. A small smile ran through her lips before she sent me a wave. I couldn't help the grin that formed on my own face as I returned it.

When she shut the door I closed my eyes for a moment and breathed in deeply. My senses were instantly bombarded by the coconut scent that seemed to always accompany her. I couldn't tell if it was her shampoo or perhaps body wash that made her smell like that. I would never admit it to anyone but for some reason when I was alone I always craved to smell it again. Even when we would be disagreeing with each other I would always take a moment to breathe her in.

I sighed before opening my eyes. I'll admit I was completely wrong about Betty.

She's very indulgent and generous, with a clear tendency to put others above herself. When we first met I thought she was going to be sucked into Veronica's world but little did I know Betty actually brings out the diplomatic side of Veronica. Veronica is a lot calmer these days and I believe Betty played a huge role in her change.

We didn't have a great start and that was totally on me. I was impatient, misread her questions, and made stupid assumptions. Her being smart and asking too many questions was something that always kept me a little hesitant to know her better and to be honest she scared me a little. Given her extremely curious nature, I was surprised she hadn't somehow figured out I'm Spider-Man by now. I totally could see that happening.

I felt guilty and like a complete ass for thinking those things before getting to truly talk to her. When I think back on it I was being completely ridiculous and childish and she was always nice to me. I brought myself out of my reverie, realizing I should probably go inside unless I was planning on sleeping out here. It was getting dark and the snow was gradually turning thicker.

I drank in the warmth of Archie's house greedily before cutting off the breeze coming through the door.

"Peter, is that you?"

Footsteps were coming closer so I intuitively looked up. When Archie's dad appeared he had a bottle of vinegar in his hands and a friendly expression on his face.

"Hey." I greeted him, putting my foot on the first step of the stairs, my mind trying to keep my feet from fleeing up. "I decided I'm actually going back to my house, I feel better."

"You were outside just now?" Fred asked.

"What? No, of course not." I lied with a smile.

"Slipping on ice is not a joke, you could've hit your head. You need to rest. Do you want to eat something before you go?" He said warmly.

Normally I wouldn't jump at his offer, he was an amazing cook but right now I didn't have much of an appetite. Actually, I was rather hungry but my need to be alone was overpowering that particular need.

"No, thanks, I have a lot of school work to do so I'm just..." I let that sentence trail off. Fred looked surprised for a second, as I had never turned down his food before, but eventually smiled.

"Alright then. Archie took Vegas for a walk but he'll be back soon." He informed me.

"Okay, I'm gonna get my stuff." I told him and he gave me a small smile before I walked up the stairs.

I walked into Archie's room and immediately glanced out his window, hoping to get a glimpse of Betty but if she was in her room her curtains were closed. They often were and I had a feeling I knew why. I smiled to myself, embarrassed when I remembered the night I caught her staring.

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