Chapter Nineteen: Happy New Year

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I arrived at Harry's house with Peter just after two in the afternoon, my gifts for him and Alana in my hands. When we walked into the living room I gasped in shock at the change since I felt like I was walking into a nightclub.

There were lights strung up on the walls, the furniture was draped in deep purple sheets, a large stereo sat in the corner and the surfaces were decorated with a variety of centerpieces and confetti.

"Veronica, what did you do!" I gasped in disbelief, knowing Harry asked her to be in charge of the decoration for the party.

I looked over at Peter and while his eyes were wide he also didn't look too surprised. Veronica skipped to the center of the room and looked around. "You think it's too much?" She asked, perplexed. She turned her wide eyes on me and I shook my head.

"No, it's perfect just... How on earth did you do all this?"

"Do you know who you're talking to, Betty?" She asked, putting a hand on her hip.

I guess she was right, I shouldn't have been surprised that Veronica could pull this off. "Right."

Veronica and Harry led the way to the basement which was decked out pretty much the same as upstairs.

We sat down and took out the gifts we got for one another. Harry was thrilled with his new game and got me a simple, fresh-looking agenda for the new year.

While Peter and Harry exchanged, Alana handed me my gift which was wrapped with a million meters of ribbon and interesting tiny figurines tied to it. I got her a mystery novel since I always see her carrying one around and she reciprocated with a black purse.

I laughed when Veronica came over and told me she wasn't done with her Christmas gifts, though she didn't want Archie to be around when she gives me this one.

"Thanks for making me look bad, Veronica. I only have one gift." Alana growled to Veronica, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You'll live." Veronica rolled her eyes at Alana before handing me the box.

I pulled out a small but beautiful glass statue of a man holding a woman above him. "The description at the store said it was Romeo and Juliet and I know how much you love both the movies and plays." Veronica said happily.

I smiled. "Thank you, it's beautiful." I was about to put it back when Veronica stopped me, taking it out of my hands.

"There's one more thing in the there." She said.

I looked at her in confusion because when I looked inside I had only seen the figurine. I examined the contents again and at first, I thought she was joking but then I saw the small card. I pulled it out and read it at least five times before laughing.

'Get out of one outfit card'

This is what was printed onto the card along with a flower and a little cartoon woman. "Are you serious?" I stared at her.

Veronica nodded. "Yup. Just think of it as a get-out-of-jail-free card but for fashion. Present this at any time and you will not have to wear whatever outfit I have chosen. I cannot complain and I cannot threaten you into it. However, it's only good for one time so don't waste it. Oh, and it doesn't expire."

I laughed again and hugged her. "I'll be sure to save it for something good." This was probably my favorite gift after the notebook from Peter. It was personal and completely Veronica, plus I have a feeling it will come in handy one day.

After we deposited our gifts temporarily in the living room, we helped Veronica and Harry with any last-minute details. Harry's dad was going to be in New York tonight but he knew Harry was throwing a party. Mr. Osborn probably knew teenagers would be drinking but Harry said he subtly hinted that everyone should have a safe ride home.

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