Definition of a Bad Roast

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Skye: Casey you know how Jack likes the moon?

Casey: well I know cuz he told me but the only way u know iz cuz u a stalker .3.

Skye: -_- anyway, Jack LOVES the moon. And the moon is WHITE. It's just like ME with my pur white fur. Unlike you and ur devilish red fur. Ugh.

Casey: gurl da only thing u represent other than a mistake and regret is a female dog .3.

Jack: she's right. You are the LITERAL DEFINITION of a female dog

Skye: *eyes go wide and smiles* so u know how u called me a dog? Dog's bark right?

Jack and Casey: -_-

Skye: Bark is what makes trees. Trees are a part of mother nature.

Casey: *thinks* just shut up already =-=

Skye: And mother nature is beautiful. So you, Jack *blushes* have just called me beautiful *bats eyelashes or wuteverdatweirdstuffizimretardediknow*

Skye: *flips hai-I mean...tail? and leaves*

Jack: -_- duck u woman

Casey: ;-; dang....

That's gotta be da new record for da worst comeback of all human existence .3.

Me: I think I'm becoming a bit too obsessed with dis XDDDD

Wut? I like how I'm turning wut WOULD be dramatic and emotional and too cliche and predictable to randomly retarded humor XDDD HOW DO U EXPECT ME TO STOP DIS GOLD >:D

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