The Sun

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A poem I made at school XDDD

The Sun
Bright and orange
A ball or fire
Sometimes setting
Then raising higher
A beauty of a sight
Been there since the start
The shining light
Closer than the stars
But can we really trust it?
Tell it all we know?
Or are we being fooled
By the beauty it holds
The sun will hurt
Get close, and it burns
The pain won't stop
Its anger will churn
Tricking us all
To give it all our love
Hiding from us
In the skies above
We always get fooled
We see from the outside
But when you get too close,
It sets you side
It betrays you when you need it
It leaves you at your worst 
When it's done with you
It'll eat you when it bursts
Don't hate the rain
The gentle touches don't complain
Don't be scared of the night
YOU make your own frights
But don't let the sun fool you
Don't let yourself get touched
For it will burn more and more
And you'll fall into its clutch 

Welp, hope ya liked it peeps :D imma finish my homework now ;-;

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