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So since I wasted a good chunk of my life ranting about four useless and terrible Zootopia vixens, imma spend dis chapter explaining why I think Casey's a really swell character. And to make it look like I'm not bragging and to have proof that I'm not the only one that likes her, I asked some peeps what they like most about Casey :D I'll say theirs in the end. Rn iz time for meh to compliment meh character XDDDDD

 Rn iz time for meh to compliment meh character XDDDDD

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So Casey Wilde. I gotta say Casey is DEFINITELY my favorite OC. Like I have a lot of OCs for different movies and I also have a lot of OCs for Zootopia. Some are random like Nora and some are for Judy's family like Bon Bon, Squirt (I dunno those are really cute names XDDD), Melody, etc. and I made some for Nick's too. Nick has a small family and I liked it that way. One day I just woke up and waz like "What if Nick had a sister?". I started to get to work. I put the first name that came to mind. Casey. I like that. I came up with her full name later on after a few trial and errors. Cassandra Isabella Wilde. Casey Wilde. I worked a lot on her backstory after that cuz I was just...really attached to Casey. And that's one of the things I like about Casey. Her backstory. Casey has an interesting story that fits with her. She's Nick's sister but they've been separated for a long time. They were very close as kids but after their dad died while they were still young, their mom couldn't take care of both of them. There just wasn't enough money. Casey acted as the mature one and came up with the idea that maybe she could move to India and live with her aunt. Her mother insisted that she'd stay but later had no choice but to send her to India. It was also worrying her about Casey's hidden ability. They found out Casey had an incomplete development as the doctor stated which results in her turning savage when she's really mad. She can learn to control it, but there are gonna be times when she can't if she's too angry. In India, Casey's aunt betrayed her cuz she thought since Casey can go savage at any time, it would be a danger to her kids. She decided to sell Casey to someone else. Why not earn some money while getting rid of the problem? Casey luckily overheard this and ran away that night. She went into the forest and was lucky enough to be found by a very sweet lady. Someone that reminded her of her mom. And even that character has a backstory. There's much more to this but it'll be in the book Blood Red which follows Casey throughout her life. I'm actually pretty proud of this. It took me a long time to come up with all of this and it's definitely better than the lazy characters Skye and Megan. Amy kind of has a backstory but there wasn't as much thought put into it as Casey's was. I mean her backstory is a book on its own. That's how deep I went into this. Next thing I like about Casey is her personality. Like the other vixens, she can be snarky but she's just mostly kind. She's soft and emotional when she needs to be and then funny and jokey when the time is right. There's just something about her that makes me like her so much. I honestly also love how optimistic she is. She knows when to be serious but she still looks to the bright side and cheers everyone up. It's shocking to see how depressed she really is and it's adorable that she thinks putting on that fake smile is worth it if it means all her friends and family are happy. That's also another thing. She's a GREAT LOVER (sometimes I wonder why I'm single if Casey's a klone of me ;-; OH WELL :D) and would sacrifice anything and everything for the ones she loves. She's been sacrificing everything from the start just for her loved ones to be happy. She's a great sister to Nick. Yea she can be annoying to him but she still looks out for him a lot and cares about him. One of the reasons she doesn't share most of her problems to Nick is because she doesn't want to see him worried or hurt because of her. I think that's really sweet of her. Judy became one of Casey's close friends. They both have a lot in common and Casey's helping her and Nick to confess. Jack is obviously Casey's #1 Best Friend. It's pretty sweet how these two open up there's just a trust that develops between them. She starts to later have a crush on him since she's seen herself and her life in his. They're really similar and both want to help each other. In the first case where they were kidnapped, the helped each other because they needed to. Later on, they'll be helping each other just because they want to. And it was from the start, too. If they wanted they could've just helped each other on that one case. But instead they not only did that, but they opened up and helped each other emotionally, too. There was no need for that. But there was a want for it. That's a thing about both Casey and Jack that I like. They don't need to help anyone, but they want to. That's something that makes Casey so loveable. That she'd give up her life just for the sake of her friends and family. Now that that's covered, time for physical features. I gotta admit, Casey is freakn gorgeous. I know the pictures kinda suck but blame the artist here which is me not her. Have her be drawn by a pro, AND SHE'LL LOOK BEAUTIFUL LEMMIE JUZ TELL U THAT SHE WILL LOOK FLIPPIN ADORABLE! Casey's a RED FOX instead of a white which I think is AMAZING! I like white foxes, too, trust me on that but there are just too many girl foxes that are Zootopia OCs that are white! I thought Casey would look really cute as a red fox. I chose blue eyes since, with her orange fur, the blue just looked really beautiful. And I was right since later I learned that blue and orange are complimentary colors and balance each other out (thank chu Prof. Martin) so it was a really good choice to make her have blue eyes with orange fur. I have her wear magenta eyeshadow becuz legos I dunno I juz felt like it and liked the idea so I stuck to it. It's just a little style for her I dunno. Anywho, look at Casey's waist. NOT TOO FAT AND NOT TOO THIN! FOR ONCE! Casey Is a spy so yesh she's fit but she also has muscle in her so she's not underweight like all the other vixens. She's thin but not thin as a twig. And Casey's also a pretty strong character. She can take care of herself, but when she needs help, she's not afraid to ask for it. She's not the damsels in distress and she's not like those girls that say they can do it but really need help either. She's a mix. And another thing, SHE HAS BEAUTIFUL CLOTHES THAT ARE COVERED. Casey's fashionable and has her own style of clothes but they're not revealing and yet she looks amazing! Both of us feel uncomfortable in revealing clothes so we avoid it. Seriously how do the other vixens (even Amy in an episode) wear these revealing clothes? Especially Skye! Like how do you not feel uncomfortable!? I also like the idea of her being a spy. Even though I don't know much about spies and stuff like dat, I still like them very much so I made her a spy. That also puts good use of her ability to become savage. She can sneak around and have VERY strong attacks. Man 1370 words so far .-. But hey at least this iz worth it xdddddd Anyway I think I said everything I like about Casey. Lez see wut meh friends opinions are :D

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