Rantz Part Four .-.

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Alright time for Megan bleh 

Alright time for Megan bleh 

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Ew just ew. As you can guess I DO NOT LIKE MEGAN AT ALL. Like UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH! She was in a comic where Nick secretly likes Judy and Judy secretly likes him too but after Megan comes, Nick is in love with HER. Why? BECUZ HE JUST IS SHUT UP. Ugh like Nick only likes Megan becuz she's pretty. WHY THE FLUQ!? JUST WHY!? YOU'RE MAKING NICK LOOK BAD FOR FALLING FOR HER! Megan's rude and snarky to Judy and yesh Judy is the same cuz she jelly but there's still no reason for Nick to like Megan! I never finished the comic since I thought it was too ridiculous but IT MAKES NO FLIPPIN SENSE! And Megan is supposed to be a cop. DO U SEE THAT WAIST!? DO U SEE THAT THIN FREAKING WAIST!? WHY IS SHE SO THIN!? And for her design, it sucks. I just...I dunno I don't like it. She's a little cute but mostly just wut the actual fluq. And compared to Judy, PFFT she ain't nothin fam. If Nick's so caught up on a girl's looks THAN WHY IS HE FALLING FOR MEGAN INSTEAD OF STICKING WITH JUDY!? And guess what this vixen's last name is. Megan Fawkes. Megan FAWKES. MEGAN FLIPPIN FAWKES!!! OH LOOK IF U PRONOUNCE IT IN A WAY, IT SOUNDS LIKE FOX (I think I heard that was how you pronounce it). MEGAN FAWKES MEANS MEGAN FOX AND SHE'S A FOX GET IT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA WE'RE SOOOOOOO FUNNY >:[ And look at the tail. Why is the tip in a heart shape? I get it, creativity on trying to be cute, but in one of the poses, (first one to the left) IT LOOKS LIKE HER TAIL GOT HAMMERED ON OR SOMETHING! Her ears, just why are they like that? Why are they almost always down? OH AND GUESS WHAT IT'S OBVIOUS THE CREATOR IS A WILDEHOPPS FAN BECUZ NICK AND JUDY LIKE EACH OTHER UNTIL NICK FALLS FOR ANOTHER VIXEN AND THAT VIXEN SECRETLY WORKS FOR BELLWEATHER AND IS EVIL. BULLCRAP. JUST BULLCRAP. I CALL CRAP ON THIS CRAPPY CRAP CRAP (yesh I'm so mad I'm running out of words) AND I THINK ALL OF THESE THREE VIXENS ARE JUST WORKS OF PEOPLE THAT LACK CREATIVITY. THE STORIES ARE CLICHE, THE FEMALES ARE ALL SNARY JERKS, NICK'S A PLAYER IN TWO OF THESE, JUDY'S A SLUT IN ONE, ALL THREE ARE JUST SO FLIPPIN TERRIBLE. Though, Amy was sweet EXCEPT TO FINNIC WHICH YES HE'S MEAN TO HER BUT SHE'S JUST SO WEAK WHY!? I JUST HATE ALL OF THEM! And the next rant will be about Skye which I hate for other reasons EVEN THOUGH SOME ARE THE SAME! And one thing I'm happy about the creator of Megan did was make her a red fox instead of another white one. BUT STILL COULDN'T U HAVE SPARED THE LOVE TRIANGLE PART!? If a love triangle makes sense, I'm all for it. BUT IF IT'S CRAPPY AND HAS NO REASON TO EXIST THEN FLUQ DIS FISH I'M OUT! It made no sense for Jack to like Judy after meeting Cynthia already. AND IF HE LOVES HER SO MUCH THAN WHY IS HE MEAN TO CYNTHIA!? There's no reason for Nick to like Amy after he SPENT A NIGHT with Judy. There's no reason for Nick to like Megan except that she's PRETTY AND PROBABLY A SKYE KLONE. And next will be Skye's turn. And since these useless vixens are making my head hurt, after covering Skye, Imma do a chapter on why Casey's so great and imma ask you peeps to leave in the comments for here some reasons that makes Casey great cuz I don't wanna seem like I'm bragging BUT SHE REALLY IS A CHARACTER I WORKED HARD ON and ik the creators of these vixen did too (except for Skye) but they made them so unlikable. So tell what you peeps like about Casey. Buh bye  

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