Rantz Part Two .-.

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So this one's about Amy ;v; *eyes legit turn red*

So I FLIPPIN HATE AMY MORE THAN ANYTHING EXCEPT SKYE! She's from another fanfic called Zootopia: After The Change on youtube and was made by the youtuber called WillFanOfMany

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So I FLIPPIN HATE AMY MORE THAN ANYTHING EXCEPT SKYE! She's from another fanfic called Zootopia: After The Change on youtube and was made by the youtuber called WillFanOfMany. It made Nick look like a freaking ditch (my take on da D word lol xdddddd). He liked Amy after one freaking case with her even tho Judy waz his partner and he liked her after Judy went to her fam riunion in BunnyBorrow. And wanna know why i hate NickxAmy even more? Becuz Nick SPENT A NIGHT WITH JUDY and then after meeting Amy he felt stronger towards her cuz "Judy showed me the boat but Amy lifted me up" or something crappy like that (lol I skipped da chapter just to save meh innocence XDDDD). Someone actually had the same opinion as me and commented that. Wanna know wut the author said? "It was just a night. Not as lovers they were just doing it that once as friends" or something like that. BRO WUT THE FLUQ!? And I'm reading it like DUDE WTH WHERE IZ UR CULTURE!? IZ THAT REALLY GONNA MAKE ANYONE LIKE THESE CHARACTERS!? KNOWING THAT THEY CAN JUST DO IT THEN LEAVE! YA KNOW LOVE EM AND LEAVE EM OH SURE THAT'S PERFECT! Freakn bullcrap. Oh and guess what? Nick liked Judy but FELT STRONGER TOWARDS AMY!!! AND JUDY HAD NO FEELINGS FOR HIM WUT SO EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh sure SURE Nick's a player and Judy was just a slut in there. DEFINITELY NOT GONNA HATE THEM AFTER THAT RIGHT 030 But I thought okay MAYBE Nick'll go back to Judy but NOPE SLAP IN DA FACE WILDEHOPPS FANS CUZ IT BECAME OFFICIAL. Nick confessed to Amy, Amy liked him back, they got married, Judy even planned the wedding, and all that bullcrap. I stopped watching after that. And I hate it when Nick says a metaphor saying how Judy showed him the boat but Amy pulled him up. JUDY FLIPPIN MADE U A COP! U WOULDVE NEVER BEEN HERE IF IT WERENT FOR HER! AMY WOULDVE NEVER MET U IF IT WERENT FOR HER! AND WUT DID AMY DO!? JUST HELP U ON ONE CASE! THATS IT! NOTHING ELSE! HOW THE HECK DID SHE PULL U UP U IDIOT!? And it made it show like Amy had a bro that joined criminal sides. When I first read it I'm like OMG IS THIS PERSON THINKING THE SAME THING AS ME AND MAKING NICK A SISTER!? But nope Amy was really Finnic's sister and Finnic's evil there too. SURE RUIN AND CRUSH THE DREAMS OF DIEHEART ZOOTOPIA FANS! Okay I'm not angry for him not being a WildeHopps shipper. I'M ANGRY THAT HE MADE THE FANFIC ABOUT NICK FALLING FOR SOMEONE ELSE NO FREAKING SENSE AT ALL! I hate Amy. I hate Skye more than her since at least Amy has a backstory but I REALLY HATE HER. Like, it makes no sense at all AND WHY THE FLUQ R THERE ALWAYS LOVE TRIANGLES EVERYWHERE FOR PIZZA'S SAKE UGH! Okie bye peeps tune in FOR THE NEXT RANT ABOUT MEGAN *legitimately triggered by da fanfic*

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