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So we were presenting projects today (mine iz tomorrow) and one of the groups went up. They were all guys and all my friendz. Juz sayin. So Val and Gabe (yesh Gabrielle iz back XD) were like the hosts for the talkshow the group were doing. Christophers character was Peter, Fallou was Valentine (a guy playin as a gril. Dis should be interestingly funny .3.) and Luca was Ender. And so in the big reveal scene everyone gasped in the show and that led to the audience gasping and wanna know wut Luca did? He legit said "Gasp.".


So since you peeps don't go to my school, YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW FREAKN CUTE DIS CHILD IZ. Like Luca seems so adorable for some reason. He's pretty small (even shorter den meh ;o;) and has this high pitched voice that just sounded so cute when he's like "Gasp.". And another scene showed some interviewers pestering him with questions so Luca was like "...I have a gun =-=" and it made us laugh even more XDDDDDDD

Yep Luca waz definitely da best character dere XDDDD

And Val thinks I like him ;-; Like okay Mr. Smartypants just because I said if I had to choose out of da group who I'd be locked in a room with and I chose Luca doesn't mean that I like him. I chose him cuz he's da only one that  has sanity left ;-; One can't sing but doesn't stop (Val) one is too violent (Christopher) one is too "imma steal dis from you" (Fallou) and one just doesn't know when to SHUT UP (GABE FREAKN GABE). Luca iz da only one without a problem XDDDD

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