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Me: Alright dis iz da first gaming short .-. ENJOY :D

*With Blue Team*

Jack: Alright. Casey and I are gonna go defeat the monsters. Lilly, Bella, ur guards. Nick, Judy, Finnic, AMBUSH THE RED TEAM ESPECIALLY LACE CUZ I HATE THAT FLUQING BUNNEH

Casey: .3. *bois chu*

Jack: ...Alright let's just go. Oh yea and if something happens to any of you, just summon Clawhauser. 

Casey: *breaks wall while riding a motorcycle becuz she cool fam* FOR MEEEEEEEMEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone: *stares at her* . . . . . 

Casey: wut?

*With Red Team*

Skye: *hugz picture of Jack*

Cynthia: Hey isn't that MINE?

Skye: No jerkface iz mine >:P Besides, did chu even see ur neck? Iz like two feet tall and fluffier than a corgi's butt. It'll make him want to barf all over ur disgusting fur

Cynthia: Well who said he'd like you? You're like brighter than the sun itself! You'll make him blind!



*both start fighting*

Amy: Isn't Nick cute?

Megan: Back off Amy HE'S MINE 

*also start fighting*

Lace: .-. well the girls are complete CRAP on my team. I wonder how the guards r doing

Warren: *runz into da room wit one arm missing* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH MEDIC

Nora: Ayyo bruh I have a name and it's NORA and if ur so hurt that you can scream like a little kid then why don't u help urself

Warren: B-but ur the medic!

Nora: So? Trump's able to help himself with haters beyond infinity (da fluq even waz dat .-.) 

Warren: Did you just compare me to Trump?

Nora: No

I'm saying that you ARE Trump *walks away*

Warren: .-.

Lace: Where's Ryan?

Warren: Oh Ryan? He's ded .-. He'll respawn soon

Lace: wait ALREADY!? How'd this even happen?!

Warren: We dared each other to jump off the building ;3;

Lace: *facepalms* idiots

Me: lol wut even waz dis? .-. Welp yea I'm off to a lame start PERFECT :D And to explain the game, basically, there r two teams the red and blue. There's an ambulate guarded by monsters. If you get the ambulate, you can obtain the powers of the four elements (Earth, Fire, Water, and Air). That way, you can defeat the mosterz for good. And the red team wants to take over the world with those powers so the blue team is trying to stop them while getting the ambulate so they can help the world. Daz it .-. lol I'm stupid xdddddddd

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