
11 3 6

.-. welp, none of my close friends are on .-. Not Tyler or Klone and I don't feel like talking to anyone else .-.

*2 hours later*

.-. lonelyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I'm so lonelyyyyyyyyyyyyy

*2 more hours later*

Hello darkness my old friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiend .-. I've come to talk with you agaaaaaaaaaaaaain .-.

*2 more hours later* 

.-. *thinks about the first time I met everyone on Wattpad*

*2 more hours later*

*slams head on laptop* UGH WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE

*2 more hours later*

.-. *everything seems boring*

*2 more-aaaaahh whatthefricever*


*...what time is it?*

Nu creativity =-= Can't draw =-= 



*life sucks*

;-; *triez to stay happy*

*do I even have to say it now?*

:D *triez to keep sanity (that is, if I have any left)*

*Insert whatever you want idc*

=---= well this sure is a nice way to spend my Christmas Eve 

Alone =---=

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