Redemption: A Frozen Fan fiction (Hans love story)

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The time had come, there would be no avoiding it now - not that I wanted to avoid what was to come anyway.  The bars of my cell in the brig of my ship screamed open with an ear murdering squeak. My eyes glanced up and beheld the slightly shocked faces of my own guards who had no knowledge of what had happened in Arendelle. For a moment too long they stood there looking down at me, I didn’t like it.

“Well are you going to take me or just stare at me all day?” I demanded curtly. As soon as the words escaped my mouth they entered the brig grabbed me gingerly by the upper arm and led me out of the ship. My crime and shame would now be public to my parent’s kingdom. Thankfully it had been late enough in the day so most people would be home instead out in  the town.  The guards moved me into the Royal carriage then like lightning we were moving through the town. I allowed my head to fall from it’s proud stature and hang in fear and uncertainty. I didn’t know what was going to happen, I had a few guesses but I couldn’t care less because now I would finally tell my parents the King and Queen of the Southern Isles how I felt.

My carriage came to a stop and once again my head snapped back up to it’s proud stance and was taken more viciously from the carriage by a rather big guard whom I didn’t recognize before.

“Excuse me, guard, you just watch on how you handle me,” I snapped at him. The guard now holding my arm snickered in response but said nothing. He continued to shove me up the steps and through the empty corridors of the palace. We stopped in front of the door that would present me to my parents. The doors opened and the guard violently dragged me inside, where I saw the shocked expression of my parents. Honestly, did no one tell them that it was me, who tried to kill Elsa? The guard finally released my arms but my hands were still bound with chained. The big guard walked over to the doors closed them.

“Hans... what is the meaning of this?” my father demanded, his graying eyebrows furrowing together. He always did this when he did not understand something.

“What’s the meaning of what, father?” I questioned lightly. His eyebrows went from confused to aggravated. “Oh, you mean, why am I chained? Well let’s see, I went to Arendelle for Queen Elsa’s coronation  like you wanted me to - well actually it was my idea but I made it so you would think it was your idea to send me. Anyway, it’s plain and simple, I wanted to be King and I was willing to kill to get it,” I replied venom in my voice and a shrug. My mother looked away, obviously disappointed.

“First you’re older twin brothers go off an- an- and become stabbing bandits in another kingdom and now you’ve not only become a criminal but you’ve also embarrassed this kingdom!” my father roared. He’s never done that to my face before. My mother touched his arm gently and walked forward to me. I stiffened. Her hands reached my face, she forced me to look into her small blue eyes. Hers were so full of sorrow, it should have made me feel guilty about what I did but I felt nothing of that sort.

“Why Hans?” she begged in a whisper. I scoffed at her.

“Didn’t I already tell you? I was tired of being neglected and lonely and ignored plus I wanted to rule. So I took matters into my own hands,” I responded in annoyance. My answer didn’t make my father any happier.

“And how has that turned out for you?!” his voice echoed throughout the hall. I was getting a thrill with all this attention. Soon after that my oldest brother, Albert, walked in.

“Father, I hear yelling, what’s happened?” he strode right past me, not even looking at me or my mother.  However, when he reached my father and turned to survey the problem, his eyes beheld me.

“Oh Hans, where have you been these past couple of days?” he inquired. His eyes darted towards my chains then to my mother. His expression changed from cocky to more concerned. He heaved a heavy sigh of disappointment. “Hans, what have you done?” he asked.

“I - “ I had started to retell my story when father interrupted.

“I’ll tell you what he’s done. He went to Queen Elsa’s coronation and tried to kill her! He’s ruined the family name! Our kingdom will be feared and laughed at for the rest of our days!” he roared. If kept yelling like this, he’d wake up my other brothers. I sighed impatiently and rolled my eyes.

“But Hans, why would do such a thing?” Albert asked me. I grew tired and irritated of the same questions.

“Do I really have to explain it again?” I inquired. Albert then snapped back into his more common arrogant countenance.

“I think I know why. I think you were jealous and wanted some attention,” he answered. For a cocky idiot, Albert had guessed the issue right on its core but I couldn’t show him that he was right.

“Of course you’d think that Albert. How can anyone else get attention when the world obviously revolves around you?” I sneered.

“Guard take m- my son away, we’ll decide his fate tomorrow,” my father ordered. The big guard took me by the arms and shoved me through the castle until we reached the dungeons.

The dungeons were dark, dank and putrid to the nose. Thankfully, I wouldn’t stay here long.. unless of course my punishment would be to rot in jail. A fate I would not like to live.  The big guard shoved me into a cell that hadn’t been occupied by anyone else. I sat myself on what was supposed to be the bed and waited for the sun rise. Waiting my fate.

OKAY! So that was the first chapter, if you liked it and want more leave a comment down below! Not sure on how fast the chapters will be up, it really depends on the demand!

I don't own Frozen or it's characters!

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