Chapter Thirteen: Aftermath

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Celia’s P.O.V


My body ached. I had always imagined life after death to be painless but this aching in my stomach area proved me wrong. There weren’t any lights either. Maybe I hadn’t gotten into Heaven, which didn’t make sense on one hand but on the other hand I can see why God would put me in Hell, if there was even a God. I hadn’t really thought about it before. Another aching took place on my body but in my chest, where my heart was located. That almost hurt more than my stomach but I knew the cause of that pain. Hans... I didn’t want to be dead, I love him and I want nothing more than to be with him but because of me and my stupid rage against Elsa I had ruined any and all chances to be with him. Sure we saved Arendelle from the Captain but at the cost of our future together. Surely if there were a God my sacrifice earned me a spot in Heaven.. didn’t it?

My brain told me to open my eyes, I hadn’t been aware that they were closed to begin with. I didn’t want to obey, I didn’t want to see where I was, if I was anywhere. Slurring voices entered my ear, they sounded like angels but I never thought angels would get drunk and slur their words... nothing about this seemed right. Pushing my fear aside I decided to open my eyes and fierce lights immediately forced my lids to close again but I decided to try again but slower. The voices were becoming more clear, I supposed the angels were quickly becoming sober. No, not angels, it couldn’t be angels because they sounded just like Hans.. Not angels... not unless Hans had died right along with me and was somehow trying to beckon me towards the light. I needed to find out for sure.  The fierce light hit me once again but I didn’t close my eyes this time, I faced it. Soon the light seemed less fierce but now there were other colors and fuzzy figures sitting close to me. Am I not dead then? The aching in my stomach worsened, a small groan slipped out of my mouth. A red fuzz came into view and had started to come into focus. Hans.  His green eyes filled with relief caused his body came into contact with my own, his arms awkwardly wrapped around my body. I winced at his strong hold on me.

“Hans,” I gasped out in pain. Quickly he sat back down on his chair.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that Elsa’s physician said that there was a chance you wouldn’t wake up and you did and I’m just so happy to see you awake,” he rambled. My eyes wandered around the room, taking everything in. They darted towards the aching, using my hands I pushed the blankets off my body and saw a white bandage wrapped around my torso. I remembered why I had it. The Captain had stabbed me.

“The Captain - did you?” I asked. Hans’ expression darkened as he nodded. Knowing him and his new outlook on life, he probably felt guilty. His green eyes were torn from mine. I reached up to touch his face and forced him to look at me.

“Hans, there was no other way, he would never had stopped. Jails can’t hold him, you did the right thing,” I assured him.

“I know, it’s just not an easy thing to cope with is all but I feel better about it now that you’re alive and well,” he responded. In an attempt to sit up, my abdomen screamed out, making me flinch.

“Celia, you’re going to have to take it easy, for a few weeks,” Hans warned softly. I grunted in frustration.

“Hans, I’ve been working on an island for the longest time do you really think I’m going to be able to ‘take it easy’?” I asked. Hans rested his hands on my shoulders, slightly pushing me against the pillow.

“No but if you ever want to feel better you’re going to have to take it easy, understand?” he retorted.

“I just feel really uncomfortable being here,” I mumbled truthfully.

“Why because it’s Elsa’s palace?” he asked.

“Well yes, I wanted her dead for years Hans and now I’m lying in her hospital bed,” I snapped softly.

“Well you aren’t exactly in a hospital room. You’re in a guest room,” he responded sheepishly. With widened eyes I took another look around the room. The walls were colored, and the bed had been bigger than my body, you could probably fit five more me’s in the bed. Along the posts of the bed were drapings and in the corner stood a tall closet.

“Oh well that’s just great... Wait where’s Alberto?” I asked with new worry. Hans chuckled a bit.

“He’s devouring the kitchen but he did stay in here for a while so he does care,” Hans laughed. I smiled at him. Just then a soft knock echoed through the room. We both look to see who was standing at the door, my heart sank and all the blood in my face drained.

“Queen Elsa?” he observed, standing up and bowing respectfully. Elsa smiled a little  but remained cool and collected.

“Glad to see that she’s awake. Hans if you don’t mind I would like to talk to her alone, go to the kitchen and eat something, please Anna and Kristoff are down there too,” she instructed. With another bow he consented but before leaving the room he turned to me with a smile then placed a kiss on my forehead.

After Hans exited the room the Ice Queen walked closer to me, my heart beat as fast possible without coming out of my chest and my muscles tensed. She sat in Hans’ chair and eyes me up and down. I figured I should say something first.

“Thank you, your majesty for uh helping my wound,” my voice wobbled.

“Please, in here call me Elsa and it’s the least I could do after you helped save my kingdom,” she replied lightly. After a pause that felt like a million years she spoke again. “There is something that I wanted to discuss with you, because even though you were banished you’re still apart of Arendelle and you did break your sentence I am entitled to send you back to Elba to finish out your sentence,” she commented. I couldn’t believe it. I could have killed her but I didn’t and this was how she was going to thank me? Patch me up and send me back, I would have chosen death over this mistreatment but I remained silent.

“Same with Hans and Alberto but since they aren’t within my kingdom I can’t pass sentencing on them it’s up to their own kingdoms but as for you,” she paused and I prepared for her response. “Since you had a large hand in saving this kingdom and my sister’s life as well as my own I’m going to lift your banishment. Celia, you are a free woman, I’ve already sent word to Elba, thank you so much and I really am sorry for banishing you in the first place, you didn’t deserve to go there and I hope you can forgive me,” she finished taking her hand into mine. I couldn’t wrap my mind around this newfound fact but I  felt thankful.

“Thank you so much your high - Elsa, thank you,” I whispered as tears brimmed my eyes.

OK!! SO I think I'm going to make an epilogue and then that'll be the end!!! Again Thank you SOOOO much for making this story possible and for supporting it! I know I've got little amounts of reads but I'm grateful for each and every one of you who gave this story a chance!! YOU are the reason I write!

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