Chapter Eight: Going Back

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My eyes were wide open, if they opened anymore my eyeballs would fall out!

“I’m sorry what?” I asked, dumbfounded by the whole conversation. Celia inhaled and explained.

“I asked you if you wanted to get off this island,” she repeated.

“Of course I do but how?”

“You know that man you saw me talking to earlier?” Of course I remembered, he seemed shady and I promised myself a while back that I wouldn’t let anything happen to Celia.

“Yes,” I responded casually.

“Well he and a few others are bringing in fugitives to Arendelle and together we’re going to try and kill Queen Elsa and since you and I are friends I thought that you’d like to go with me - us, go with us. Plus you know the castle extremely well, so what do you think?” My mind reeled from her request. Kill Queen Elsa? I couldn’t do that, not again but it had been a way off of the island and I wanted that more than anything but since I’d been here I’ve realized what I’ve done...  but it all came down to what I cared about more, myself or Queen Elsa’s safety...

“Yes, count me in what about Alberto?” I inquired.

“He’s already on board, now we must hurry, before they leave,” her voice quieted. Without saying a word I followed Celia through the thick jungle of the island until we reached the docks and found the man, she had been talking to earlier, waiting for us.

“Is this him?” he gestured towards me.

“Yeah this is him, he can get us in the castle and out before anyone suspects,” Celia confirmed, I stared hard at the sailor man showing him that I wasn’t scared of him and that I could be trusted. He eyed me up and down still unsure about me.

“You can guarantee that we can kill her?” he asked.

“Yes, I was there the first time someone tried but I should warn you that the last person who did this, was my brother and when he got caught - this is punishable by death, I hope you know that,” I warned but he didn’t seem interested in my warning.

“Can you get us in or not?” he demanded. My sight drifted to Celia, who was on the boat, she smiled encouragingly.

“Yes, I can but it’s the getting out that’ll be difficult,” I answered.

“You let someone else worry about that you just get us in the castle, welcome aboard Mr...”

“Hans,” I replied. With that I walked on meeting Alberto and Celia on the ship. Celia wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down to her. The only thing I could even think of doing was wrap my arms around her waist. Something felt right about hugging her, holding her but I didn’t know why..

    Moments later we shoved off the dock and Elba Island shrank smaller and smaller, I couldn’t actually believe that we were leaving. My eyes drifted towards Celia who stared at the sea, the sky and island all in wonder. Her smile had been brighter than the stars that had started to take over the night sky. She eventually caught me looking at her and her cheeks took on a pink shade.

“What are you staring at?” she asked.

“You - I mean you just seem really happy to get off,” I responded quickly correcting myself. Heat rose to my own face catching me off guard.

“Well yeah I’ve been on that island for so long, it’s good to look at something that isn’t grapes and the same faces - not that I don’t enjoy looking at your face - er I mean it’s just - I’m going to stop talking now,” her flustered talk was so cute, I loved seeing her  embarrassed and at a loss for words.

“Yeah I know what you mean, but you’ve been on the island longer than me, but I understand,” I responded with a genuine smile.

    Day thirty on the ship and I knew we were almost to Arendelle, I could smell it. Arendelle had it’s own personal scent, one that couldn’t be explained unless you’d already been there. Celia, Alberto and I had to stay below decks during the day just so no one would find us. It had been the perfect time to sleep, which is what Alberto did most of the day anyway, leaving Celia and I awake for most of the day.

“Celia, why do you want to kill Elsa?” I asked as the sun reached it’s highest peak.

“It’s because of her that I got sent to the island Hans, she ruined my life and the way I see it, it’s a life for a life,” Celia responded curtly, turning her face towards the port hole.

“I’m sorry Celia, I forgot about that,”I confessed.

“I think I know why you want to get rid of Elsa,” she whispered.

“Why?” I asked, humoring her.

“You brother, you probably want to avenge his death or something like that,” she replied, her voice still soft.

“My brother? Yes... my brother,” this lie had been getting out of hand. I needed to tell Celia the truth but I couldn’t tell her yet..

    We were quiet for a long time after that, which didn’t bother me, by the time the moon had come up Alberto woke up and we all went up to the deck in the far distance I saw the lights of Arendelle. Looking at the them from a different perspective made me realize that Arendelle really had been beautiful I only wish I had seen that the first time.

“Hans, can I speak to you for a minute?” Celia asked, she seemed a little nervous though her voice proved otherwise.

“Of course,” smiling I walked over to the bow of the ship were she stood.

“Hans, listen after this whole thing is over we’re being dropped off somewhere, I’m not sure where yet but somewhere and I was wondering that when we boarded if you maybe wanted to get off with me and - and stay with me - and Alberto of course,” she giggled getting all flustered again.

“Yes of course, I’ll get off with you - Celia I don’t want to be apart from you, I - lo - I really care about you,” I answered, perhaps a bit too desperately but I had to tell her how I felt. Celia smiled her brilliant radiant smile and snaked her arms around my waist and looked up at me.

“I feel the same Hans,” she replied softly. Embracing her, I felt something warm take place in my chest, something different, I didn’t have a word for how I felt or maybe I did, I just couldn’t say it out loud yet.

“If you two are done, you might want to look, we’re about to dock in Arendelle, Hans do you have a plan on how we’re getting inside?” the captain asked. My eyes drifted to the lighted city of Arendelle and that’s when I knew, no matter how much I cared about Celia I could not - would not let her or anyone else hurt Queen Elsa, this was my chance, my chance at redemption.

Hahaha see what I did there?? Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment, follow, favorite or whatever!! Thanks guys!

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