Chapter Twelve: Fighting with Ice

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I hid in my spot intently listening to the Captain and Elsa speak to one another, patiently waiting for Elsa to give the word.

“Why a good evenin’ to ya, yer majesty,” the Captain bellowed.  The throne squeaked so I knew that she had stood up.

“Good evening and who might you be?” she asked politely and controlled. The Captain roared a mighty laugh.

“Yer majesty please do not mock me. We know who each other is thanks to the little Prince brat. I have succeeded in wrecking your plans to a surprise attack and I think my reward for that is your death,” he responded with lightness threading his voice. Elsa said nothing. Behind the Captain the crew muttered an agreement.

“You think just because you’ve thwarted one plan that you deserve to take my life?” She asked, buying time.

“Of course,” the Captain responded. A light laughter swirled around the Great Hall that sounded like bells on a sleigh.

“Then you must take me as a weak Queen because you will not harm me. We can go about this one of two ways. The first way is that you all leave now, quietly and I will turn a blind eye or you stay and I have my army and myself take you down one by one, the choice is yours,” her voice itself turned to ice. I hid a sly smile behind my lips and choked on a small chortle.

“Captain, please let’s fight another fight, another day,” a different feminine voice pleaded. Celia..

“Quiet you,” the Captain snapped.

“I’m waiting Captain, as you can tell it is late at night and I do wish to retire at some point tonight,” Elsa retorted rather impatiently.  I heard the Captain growl, the sound of a sword being pulled from his sheath, a grunt, a cold gust of wind went throughout the room.

“Now!” Elsa yelled. Before I could think, I jumped out of my hiding spot and saw that the  others had done the same and were presently attacking the crew. Celia had started to slash at the crew as well. Glancing to Elsa I saw that her hands were ready to spit out any kind of ice should she need to. She didn’t need to be protected by me, she was fully capable of doing so herself.  Launching myself into the fight, I pushed against anyone who tried to wound me. I couldn’t tell if we were winning or losing but I knew that if the Captain died then there would be no reason for any of the others to fight and we would win for sure.

Pushing my way through the big pirates, I found the Captain trying to get closer to Elsa but I refused to allow him to hurt her in anyway. I moved towards him but Celia had gotten in front of me first.

“I should have known that you would choose him,”the Captain sneered, sending a glare my way.

“Then why haven’t you killed me yet?” she challenged.

“I’ve planned on killing you, even if we had succeeded but I wanted to make sure Hans would be there to see my blade run ya through,” he growled. I didn’t interfere, Celia would get angry if I did so I stood and watched her as she engaged blades with the Captain. When the time was right I would interject and end him if she didn’t do it herself. The yelling and fighting had quieted down to just Celia and the Captain, I turned to look at Elsa who stared at Celia with slight admiration.  Turning to look back at the fight, the Captain took hold of Celia’s wrist and threw her to the floor. Now had been the right time, I unsheathed my sword and charged at the Captain but not before he sliced at Celia’s stomach. Anger filled me as I began fighting the Captain. He was strong, I felt impressed that Celia had fought him off as long as  she did.

“Get out of my way boy,” he grunted. We danced all around the room, not wounding one another. When our swords were connected, I had gained the altitude to push him away from me. Before he could get back up I ran to Celia’s side.

“Celia! Celia look at me!” I whispered desperately. Her eyes flickered open, she looked past me.

“Hans behind you,” she whispered softly. In one swift movement using my leg and perfect timing, I tripped the Captain, which caused him to fall to the floor, his sword falling away from him. Grabbing it, I held him at bay with the tip. Knowing we had won, I withheld from killing him and looked up at the Queen. A sadness gleamed in her eyes but she nodded and in that moment, I took his sword and ran him through the heart, feeling nothing but anger. When I had done so and the Captain’s breathing came to an abrupt end.

Before anything else was done I ran back to Celia, holding her in my arms.

“Celia, wake up, don’t go to sleep,” I begged. Her gray eyes looked into mine, any fool could see that the light in her eyes were fading from this world. “It doesn’t look that bad,” I assured glancing at the wound. In the background I could hear Elsa whispering something to the guard.

“Celia, please don’t leave me, I love you. Remember you and I were going to be together, get married, have a million babies and just be happy together?” I whispered. She smiled slightly.

“Hans, I’m happy to die for you,” she whispered.

“But you aren’t going to die, not for me, not Arendelle not for anybody,” I responded fiercely. The sound of footsteps came closer to me and a hand gently touched my shoulder.

“Hans, I’ve sent the guard to bring the Doctor, I’m not sure if it’ll help but it’s something,” Elsa whispered comfortingly.  Cela’s clouded grey eyes drifted over to Elsa.

“I’m sorry... I’m sorry I’ve hated you for all these years,” she apologized her voice getting faint.  Elsa knelt next to Celia, taking her hand. Celia’s breath began to shorten and I could do nothing else but pray.

Thank you guys SOOOO much for reading and supporting this story! It is coming to a close and it'll be the last fan fiction I write for a good long while (college and stuff haha) but thank you SO much! You are the best!!!

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