Chapter Eleven: Escaping!

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I failed. The only thoughts that occupied my mind were failure. I couldn’t give up, not yet, not when I knew what was going to happen. I dragged my body to a standing position and started to hit against the bars, more ferociously this time. Grunting with every failed blow. What were these bars made of? I thought to myself, but I didn’t stop, I couldn’t stop. Faster and faster I pushed against the bars until a sharp pain spread over to my arm like a wild fire. Caressing my arm I leaned against the bars going back to the feeling of hopelessness and heartbreak. Celia... My brain went back to what I did to Anna, I deserved this, though in some light the situation seemed ironic, but heartbreaking nonetheless.

In the midst of my self pity, my ears heard something happening up on the deck. Have they already killed Queen Elsa and Anna? My chest tightened at the thought of the two of them laying in their own blood. The ruckus continued above deck and then hope struck. Maybe Anna followed me to see if I would be true to my word, and found out that the crew found out and those are the troops taking care of them! A new form of adrenaline filled me and I started banging against the bars again hoping that maybe if it was the good guys that they’d hear me. All at once the noise stopped and my heart dropped because I couldn’t hear anything. Nothing.  Sighing, I slid back down to the floor. Footsteps stomped down the stairs, I didn’t bother to look, what would’ve been the point? Ignorance is bliss, or so they say and at  this point it would be bliss.

“Don’t sulk Hans it really isn’t attractive on your face,” Celia’s voice breathed in my ear. My eyes shot open and my head spun around to see her beautiful face, inches from my own. Spirits risen, I stood up.

“Celia, what are you doing here?” I asked. She took the keys from her pocket and unlocked the brig door.

“Hans, you told me your story that you had a change of heart and I realized that I can have one too. I’m so sorry about deceiving you, I had to let the Captain believe me and betraying you was the only thing to do that. Please say that you’ll forgive me,” she begged. Once the door opened, I took her face in my hands and smiled.

“How can I not forgive you? I love you Celia,” I admitted. She smiled, her face came closer to my own.

“Oi! Amigos! We don’t have time for this right now, the Captain and his men are on their way to the castle so we need to get back,” Alberto interrupted with urgency. Never in my whole life did I think that I would be happy to see that goofy grinned Spaniard.

“What’s the plan?” I asked.

“Why don’t you tell us?” Celia countered my question.

“Does the Captain know that you’ve switched sides?”

“No, he doesn’t. He sent Alberto and I back to get some extra knives,” Alberto interjected.

“Ok, get those knives, go back and then when the time comes, you can stab them in the back,” I replied.

“Ok, sounds like a plan,” Celia answered. She turned around to leave but I grasped her arm and pulled her back to me.

“You be safe,” I whispered, then quickly touched her lips to my own. On my way out of the ship I found a black cloak. Wrapping it around my body I headed out.

“Mi amigo, don’t I get a kiss too?” Alberto asked jokingly.

“In your dreams Alberto but keep yourself safe as well,” I responded in all seriousness, he nodded and walked off the ship. The thing is the Captain knew the long way to the castle, he didn’t know my shortcut. If I ran, maybe I could make it before he did.

Being as careful as possible I ran through the town, not caring who saw me. I finally made it to the castle, I went in the secret passage way, praying that the crew didn’t go in this way. When I made it inside the castle, I found Elsa waiting in the spot where we had agreed. She looked at me, slightly shocked.

“Hans, what are you - “ She asked, appearing to be baffled.

“They’re on their way right now and they know that it’s a surprise attack,” I panted. Elsa’s face took on a concerned expression and who could blame her but immediately the fear melted away and bravery took it’s place.

“Ok, then we need to make another plan. Hans any ideas?” she asked, authoritively.

“Yes, I suggest we keep it as a surprise attack but in a different way. They think that I’m locked up and they’re counting on guards being at the gate. If they get in easily then they’ll know something is wrong. I say we place guards in their normal places, but keep some hidden in this room, some they aren’t expecting. Then when the time is right we’ll jump out  and attack,” I explained.

“Alright, it’s the only plan we have,” she agreed. “Captain!” her voice rang out. A tall military man walked in with a hurried bounce in his step.

“Your majesty,” he bowed.

“Captain, we’re expecting an attack in a few minutes, I need your best soldiers in here as fast as you can get them but you must make it discreet or else the plan will be ruined. Can you do that?” The Captain bowed again.

“Of course your majesty,” with that he marched out and not even a minute had passed when a group of thirty men came in, two at a time. Elsa directed them to spots and explained the plan. When they were  all hidden, I noticed that Anna wasn’t with her sister.

“Your majesty, where’s Anna?” I asked.

“I told Kristoff to keep her out of here until it’s done, they’re in the mountains somewhere,” she answered.  “What of your Celia?” she asked.

“She’s with us but pretending to be with them, she’ll join our side in the heat of the attack,” I answered.

“I like her,” she responded simply. I went to my hiding spot, behind her throne and waited until finally the doors opened and the laughter of the Captain filled the hall.

Hahahaha I end it here because I am evil!! No, seriously I hope you've enjoyed this!!

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