Chapter Nine: Forgiven...?

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As much as I cared for Celia and as badly as I wanted to be with her I couldn’t let her harm anyone on Arendelle.

“So do you have a plan then,  pretty boy?” the captain asked. I needed time to and warn the family or come up with a faulty plan.

“Yes I do but I need to scout out the secret tunnels to make sure that Queen Elsa didn’t cave them in or at the least place guards around the entrance, I’ll be back by nightfall,” I reported.

“Wait, what if you don’t come back?” Celia interjected her voice filled with worry.

“If I’m not back, then you need to turn this ship around and leave, it means that they’ve got me and they’ll eventually link me to the new ship that’s in the Fjord,” I responded. Celia embraced me tightly.

“Just be sure that you come back, I don’t want you hurt,” she muttered.

“I don’t want you hurt either, I’ll be back,” I whispered in her hair.

The captain gave me a cloak for a disguise and I walked off the boat and immediately kept to the shadows. Sneaking around, I had noticed that there were very few guards than the last time I came. Most likely because Elsa could protect the kingdom single handedly, still, a smart ruler would have guards no matter their ability to protect. I eventually found the secret passage that Anna had shown me that night at the ball. There were no guards in sight, so there must’ve been a booby trap, I didn’t want to test it.

“This is not the right to do it Hans,” I reminded myself.. If Queen Elsa were to believe me at all, then I needed to be upfront about everything, no sneaking around nonsense.

Leaving the secret tunnel, I proceeded to walk to the gates which were still open even after all the damage I had caused. Instead of lurking beneath the shade, I pulled the hood of my cloak as far forward as I could then continued in the light of the day. Once through the gates I walked up to the door, where I found a couple of guards who ordered me to stop, I obeyed.

“What business do you have here?” one of them inquired.

“I need to speak with Queen Elsa, it’s a matter of great urgency,” I responded with a deeper tone. They both hesitated. “Listen, if you don’t let me in to speak with the Queen she and Princess Anna will die tonight,” I spat, still using a disguised voice. The first guard nodded to the second guard and together they opened the doors to the castle and escorted me to the Throne Room, which stood empty.

“Well where is she?” I asked.

“She won’t be joining us, I won’t let you touch or even see her Hans,” an all too familiar voice sounded from the back of the room. Swiftly I turned while a couple of hands ripped off my cloak.

“Princess Anna,” I gasped, baffled by how she could’ve seen me, let alone know that I was in the castle.

“Hello Prince Hans,” she snapped. “I see that you’ve been banished but from what your parents said, you should still be on that island for at least another year.” No warmth could be traced in her voice and why should there be? I ruined her.

“Listen your highness,  something terrible is going to happen tonight and unless you let me see your sister, you, and she are going to be killed by people that I care about,” I explained. Something glimmered over her face, but it disappeared.

“I won’t fall for anymore of your tricks, not ever again,” she sneered.

“Anna why would I try to trick you again? I’m not as stupid as I once was, please you have to believe me,” I begged falling to my knees. The glimmer had returned to Anna’s face but again it had disappeared. It almost looked like she believed me but because of what I had done before she refused to believe me.

“No, never again, and it is princess Anna to you - Guards take him away!” she yelled.

Guards came in from the hall and took me off of the floor and began to drag me away from all hope of saving Anna, Elsa and Arendelle.  My head hung for my failure.

“Stop!” Another familiar voice commanded. Immediately all the guards stopped but their grip remained.

“Elsa please let me handle it,” Anna begged. My eyes snapped upwards where I saw Elsa herself, she still wore the blue dress that I saw her in a year ago. For being the one with icy powers she looked warm or at least warmer than Anna had..

“No Anna, you don’t understand, guards put him down,” she ordered and like magic they released me. Instead of standing, I kept my face tucked against the floor, too ashamed to look at her. The clicking of heels echoed through my ears and Elsa came closer to me. A soft cold hand touched my shoulder and with courage I glanced up in the face of Queen Elsa.

“Your majesty, I know that I have wronged you in almost every way possible and not one day has gone by that I don’t think about it. I know that I can never be forgiven and I’m not here to ask you for it. I’m here to ask you to listen to me and to believe my warning,” I explained.

“You’re right, you have wronged me in just about every single way but there’s something that I’ve learned being  Queen and that’s to read people to see if they’re lying or telling the truth and I can see now as I did in the tunnels earlier today that you’re a changed man. I will hear what you have to say.” Anna made a sound of disgust but who could blame her?

“Thank you, your majesty.” She smiled a little bit then bade me to stand.

“Okay, explain,” she ordered once she sat in her throne with Anna looming beside her.

“There’s a girl, who’s very dear to me, one that I met on the island and she isn’t your biggest fan, it’s because of you that she got sent to Elba to begin with but she, my friend Alberto and a couple of pirates, from the look of things, are plotting to kill you tonight and the only reason they’re here is because Celia told them that my brother tried to kill you and that I would help them try to kill you again but I can’t do it, I’ve learned my lesson,” I explained while Elsa pondered my story.

“I see, Celia, that’s a familiar name... is she the one that killed her family?” she asked.

“The same, except Celia was framed by the real killer, Celia could never hurt anyone. She can talk about it all she wants but in the end she can never do it. She’s too kind to do something ugly like that,” I defended. Elsa smiled.

“Hans, it sounds like someone has melted that Frozen heart of yours,” she mused.

“I think she has and I’m going to try and persuade her to not join in this but we need to come up with a plan or trap of sorts in order to stop this from happening,” I urged. Elsa looked to Anna who had a warmer expression towards me but still rather untrusted.

“What did you have in mind?” she asked. With that said the ambush planning had started and a weight had been lifted off of me, even though Elsa hadn’t said it, I could feel it.. It felt like forgiveness.

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