Chapter Three: Elba

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“Land Ho!” My ears must have been deceiving me. I could have sworn that some buffoon above deck said that we were finally in Elba... No Hans, it’s just your imagination, don’t even think about it, go back to sleep. Who knows how many more somewhat peaceful yet nauseating nights you have left on this boat... I closed my eyes once again and almost managed to lull myself back to sleep when that same buffoon declared his sight of land again. This time my eyes shot open and I stood up then went over to the little porthole I had as a window. Sure enough about a few miles away my eyes beheld the little island of Elba. The forsaken place where I would be working for five years unless I change.... Change.... what makes my mother so sure that I’ll change here? She didn’t hear what Anna’s last words to me were..  “The only frozen heart around here is yours.”  She was right, my heart is a solid cold beating heart that no person - not even myself can change, nor do I desire to change. To hate is easier than to love and I love no one nor will I ever love anyone...

    A scruffy looking guard came down to me brig with the keys rattling at his side. He took a long look at me before opening the door that had conformed me to the pungent odor of the cell combined with the sea.

“You. Up,” he ordered. At first I resented his comment. Just who did he think he was speaking to? I did stand but I held my head high. “Well lookie here, the prince is now taking orders from the likes of me oh happy day,” the big oaf  jeered.

“Well I won’t be on that forsaken island for long and when I’m off I will have  you punished for the way you are speaking to me,” I snapped. The guard appeared to not be threatened by my words but he would live to regret what he had just said to me. With more shoving I finally made it to the deck. I glanced around my surroundings, thinking that I could possibly escape and start over with myself but my brother was no fool. He probably guessed that I would at least try to make an attempt to escape. The whole perimeter of the ship was lined with guards armed and ready to shoot on sight if necessary. My eyes explored past the guards and into the island that lay only feet away. It was at this time that I noticed how hot it was. Sweat dribbled down my neck and into my coat, the same coat I had been wearing in Arendelle. Carefully, I adjusted my neck tie to be loose so that I could feel a little bit of comfort; behind me I could some of the crew chuckle or perhaps it was just the big oaf of a guard snickering at me.

“Too hot for you, your highness?” I was right. The oaf had been the one laughing.

“No, not at all sir, it’s just that the wind is blowing I can actually smell you and I planned on using my tie to cover my nose so I had didn’t have to smell you,” I lied. The guard swore then shoved me harder, hard enough to cause me fall over. Other members of the crew now joined in the laughing.

“You gonna wish you never been born boy,” the oaf started to come over to me as in to hit me. He really didn’t know who he was talking to did he? I turned onto my back just as the oaf started to raise his fiist.

“Easy Abel, you can’t break him, that’s my job,” another male spoke before the oaf could strike. He didn’t sound like the Oaf or me for that matter. His accent reminded me of spaniard but different. So that’s what Italians sound like. I pushed myself to my feet, which proved to be more difficult with my hands still bound.

    In front of me stood a tall tan man with thick curly black hair, a moustache, and eyes just as brown as his skin. He had muscles pulsing out of his arms and chest, needless to say he intimidated me more than the oaf. He wore no shirt and some ripped dark gray pants and no shoes. Seemed like a savage to me.

“Hmm, you don’t look like you’ve worked a day in your life,” he sneered with his italian accent.

“I have worked, just not the work you expect,” I argued.

“Ha, whatever you say pretty boy, let’s get moving, we still have daylight to burn and grapes to plant,”he ordered. Without saying another word I did as he said and marched off the ship.

    When my feet finally hit solid ground, I gazed around taking in the whole island. It was flat with the exception of a huge hill that stood at the end of the island.  At the front of the island, the parts I could see anyway, were covered in trees, nothing huge or brilliant compared to the trees in my home.

“Do you see that hill over there?” the Italian man asked me. Again, I peered over to the hill but focused on the objects that were in the distance. I tried to see what was in the distance but couldn’t see anything.

“I.. don’t see anything,” I told him.

“As we get closer you will, now let’s get walking,” he instructed.

“What? Is there no carriage or at least cart to take us there?” I asked appalled at the conditions I had to be living in. You did bring this upon yourself Hans.. it’s you and your cold heart’s fault. My brain taunted. With heaving sigh, I followed the man.

“Oh and one other thing, I’m going to let your hands free, since you’ll be using them but there’s no point in trying to escape, the whole island is only a couple miles long and wide and from the looks of you I don’t think you know how to swim, not a lot of these people do so you can try to run away but we have trained men here who are like sniffer dogs and they will find you, catch you, bring you back and trust me, there will be consequences for running.” My eyes widen at him, I couldn’t tell if he were serious or not but I guess it was pretty safe bet that he was serious about the whole thing.

    For the rest of the miserable day we trudged through thick humid trails, at some point I had discarded all of my old clothes with the exception of the necessities like a shirt and my pants. I felt a little bit cooler but soon that feeling dissipated and heat would scorch my skin. After what felt like an eternity we stopped at a gate that went high into the sky.

“Hans, welcome to your new home.” With that the gates opened and with what my eyes beheld me, running away started to look better and better every minute.

Thank you again for reading!! Hope you like it so far! I would like to know something though... Would like longer chapters or do you like the length it is in now? LET ME KNOW DOWN IN THE COMMENTS! THANKS!

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