Chapter Seven: Changing

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According to Celia I’ve been on the island for about three months, time had sped up since I met Celia and at the same time, it had also slowed down. The work never got any easier but it hadn’t gotten anymore painful either, my body seemed used to it now. Other things have changed, things about myself and the way I have acted. I found myself nicer to Alberto, which seemed completely out of my character but Alberto actually is a good person to have around and Celia... I found more often that I all I wanted was to be closer to her. Where she was that’s where I wanted to be, the feeling had been strange and I had no explanation nor did I want to discuss it with anyone.

“You know I think you’re getting the hang of things, amigo,” Alberto complimented as he sat next to me during dinner.

“Yeah I’ve been noticing the same thing,” I responded with a smile. Celia came up to our table and sat herself on the other side of me. My heart did the peculiar skipping movement again and it nearly took my breath away.

“Good evening, Celia,” I greeted. She smiled and dipped her spoon into the goop. That’s the other thing, even the goop started to taste a little better. Everything just seemed better with Celia around.

“Well guys it’s going to be an exciting day tomorrow,” she mused excitedly. My eyebrows furrowed together, confused on what she meant.

“Why, what’s tomorrow?” I asked sincerely.

“It’s harvesting time!” Alberto chanted. All that time had passed by, I’ve seen the grapes grow fuller and take on their purple color but it only seemed like a week ago since I was first put in the stocks for not watering them right...

“Wow, my first harvest. As much as I hate being here on this forsaken island, I’m actually quite excited to do this tomorrow.” Something about Celia’s face darkened after my comment.

“So, you still don’t like it here?” she asked softly, her gaze not once meeting my own.

“No, of course not. I don’t see how anyone can like being on Elba, sentenced to grow grapes forever - I mean unless one is into that sort of thing but I can’t see you or Alberto loving this life. This is not living Celia...”

“Then what is it?” she asked, her eyes peeking up to see mine.

“This is entrapment, some of us here deserve it, like me and Alberto, but not you. Not here, your life is back in Arendelle where - “ She cut me off fiercely.

“No, Arendelle is not home, and not a place to live. I hate it there and everyone in it. I especially hate - no, hates too nice a word, I loathe Queen Elsa. With every fiber of my being I hate her, it’s because of her that I got sent here, because she wouldn’t see me, to let me plead my case. I wish she were dead,” she snapped, her voice thick with hatreds’ venom. My mind reeled back to the old me, if the old me had known this, I probably would have kissed her but I wasn’t that person anymore.. In truth, once I got off the island, I planned on visiting Arendelle once more and formally apologize to Queen Elsa and more importantly to Anna, no woman should have her feelings played like the way I played hers.

“You know I heard that someone tried to kill her during her coronation, but he failed, almost had her too. It’s really a shame, I think he probably hesitated at the last minute or something,” she snickered.

“He did not!” I shouted, over her gaping.

“Oh yeah? How would you know?” she asked. “Was it you?”

“No, but it was one of my brothers, I knew about it and that’s why I was only banished among other things but my brother... well let’s just say that’s one less brother to worry about getting the throne,” I sighed through the lie. Celia’s eyes grew and her interest was obviously piqued.

“You never have specified on what you did to get here,” Alberto pointed out.

“I don’t want to talk about it today, maybe some other time..” I avoided their hard, suspicious gazes and concentrated on my goop.

“So you knew about your brother, trying to kill Queen Elsa?” Celia asked.

“I don’t really want to talk about it right now, I’m going to go to bed, big day tomorrow.. Goodnight Celia,” before any of them could say another word I jumped out of my seat and headed to my bed. Plumping myself down I curled myself away from the door, I didn’t want to see anyone. I didn’t want think about Celia and her hatred, or how it reflected on my mistakes. I didn’t want to remember everything that I had done to the people of Arendelle was wrong. I didn’t want to remember the look on Elsa’s or Anna’s face when the found out what I was...

“Hans? It’s Celia, I’m sorry about your brother. I don’t know how close you two were but I’d say you were pretty close since he told you his plan and you didn’t rat him out but I just wanted you to know that I’m here for you, whenever you need me,” Celia’s soft angelic voice penetrated my guilt ridden thoughts.

“Thank you Celia, it means a lot to me to hear you say that,” I muttered back. The sound of dainty footsteps echoed through my ears as sleep finally held me under it’s blanket and my Hell went dark.

    Next morning, I awoke like everyone else and walked to the mess hall but as I had been walking I noticed guards, big ones. I had never seen them on the island before, I figured that they were here to collect the grapes and make sure that no stowaways get on their ships.

    In the far corner of the mess hall I spotted Alberto and Celia already poking at their goop. Once I got my own I made my way to our table.

“What’s with all the guards today?” I asked.

“Oh well, when we harvest grapes they give us knives, real knives and the Masters think we need the extra guards just in case one of us go loco crazy,” Alberto filled me in.

“I see,” I responded. Glancing at Celia, I noticed she didn’t seem to be her chiper self, it looked like as if she had a lot on her mind, something that had been extremely puzzling.

“Is everything alright Celia?” Celia’s face snapped up attentively from her goop and she smiled her normal, beautiful smile.

“Yup, I’m good, just a little tired is all. Are you ready for your first harvest?” she asked.

“As ready as one can be cutting grapes,” I replied with a smile of my own.  She and I held each other with our eyes for a long time before she broke it and went about eating her goop.

    Once we were all in the fields, the Masters handed us each a curved knife. With the knives were to cut off each branch and place them in a basket. After each basket was full we were to take it down to another group and there were people who would shed the grapes from their vines and repeat. The instructions seemed easy enough, when we were dismissed, I headed to the vineyard and began cutting.

    The cutting portion of the vine had been the difficult part, the branches were nice and strong and I understood that it meant that the branch could reproduce more grapes in the future. Once my first basket had been completely full I started down the hill to the group who would shed the grapes and in the distance saw Celia talking to a man who was not from around here. Squinting my eyes I struggled to see what they were talking about but from the look on their faces it had been something serious. When Celia caught me looking at her, she waved and smiled like it was nothing, I did the same and continued on my way.

    It was almost dinner time by the time we finally finished all the grapes. We were all ushered toward the mess Hall. On the way there my arm had been tugged so hard that I fell from the crowd and into an outhouse with Celia as my capturer.

“Celia, what are you doing?” I asked.

“Never mind that, when your brother told you his plan did he tell of you any secret passages or a sneaky way into the castle?”

“No, when he did, he made everyone think that he was on their side, he asked me to scout for any kind of passages but there aren’t any I’ve searched the castle but I know the best way to get in undetected, why do you ask?” Celia smiled the biggest most beautiful smile yet. “How would you like to get off of this island?”

FINALLY!!! Haha yeah I'm sorry it's taken forever!! Thank you all for your patience!!

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