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Hans P.O.V


I took a deep shaky breath, nervous couldn’t describe what I had been feeling at the moment. Suddenly a small familiar hand intertwined with my own. Looking down my nervous mind seemed at ease when Celia’s face came into view.

“Don’t be nervous, you’ve changed and I’m positive your parents will see it. Elsa has seen it and if she can see it then I know your family will,” she assured me softly. I nodded curtly unable to speak. Removing her hand from mine, she placed both of them on the sides of my face giving me no other choice but to look at her. Her pitch colored hair was curled and pinned to the back of her head leaving her face to be stared at. Her grey eyes were huge and filled with affection, which brightened the rest of her face. She wore a short dress that had a little bit of a poof to it, I think she called it a “tea-length” dress. The body of the dress was painted with a coral while the sleeves hung at her sides and were flowing down her arms they took on a soft dandelion yellow color. She was in every way beautiful, inside and out.

“Listen to me, you’re parents love you and I am so sure that they’ll lift your banishment, Anna and Kristoff even came in the Queen’s stead. Why are you so worried?” she asked. I sighed, taking her hands off of my face but not letting them leave my own grip.

“I’m not nervous about my punishment, I’m introducing you to my parents and I want them to like you the way you are. That’s what I’m nervous about, I don’t care if they send me back to Elba, I care that they love you just like I love you,” I explained. She smiled then tightened her grip on my hands just slightly.

“It’ll be okay Hans, don’t be scared. Even if they do send you back to Elba I’ll be in Arendelle waiting for you,” she responded. Behind us I heard Anna and Kristoff laughing at each other and I remembered something that I forgot to do. Releasing Celia’s hands I walked over to Anna and Kristoff who were finishing up a laughing attack.

“Princess Anna, allow me to apologize. I won’t be able to ever apologize enough for the heinous thing I did to you and I expect no forgiveness but I just felt the need to apologize anyway. I am so sorry, I never should have used you, I never should have let my own selfish desire get to me.” I kneeled at her feet. After a few moments, her hand gently tapped my shoulder and I looked up at her. She was smiling but not the smile I had been used to seeing the last time I played her.

“Get up Hans. I agree what you did was wrong beyond reason but if it hadn’t been for you. I never would have met Kristoff and I probably would have lost my sister forever. I forgive you, just never do anything like that again,” she responded. Standing on my feet, I bowed at her then heard the doors open. Quickly I went back to Celia’s side as we were presented into the Throne Room where my parents sat at the head and my brothers behind and beside them looking on me sternly, as they should.

Celia and I stopped at a certain point and bowed then I continued a little closer without her. Before addressing my parents I risked one quick glance at her, her face showed no fear.

“Hans, we didn’t expect to see you for another couple of years,” my brother sneered. Looking to him, I bowed slightly and began to speak.

“I know and the reason I’m here is because I snuck onto a pirates’ ship to help murder Queen Elsa again but you should know I had no real intention of killing her but to warn her instead and miraculously she believed me and allowed me to help. With my help and hers we were able to defeat the enemy,” I explained. My father seemed intrigued by the story whereas my mother’s attention had been drawn towards Celia and Celia stared back with assertiveness.

“I see you’ve brought Princess Anna with you, is this to confirm your story?” my father asked. Stepping aside I watched Princess Anna step forward without Kristoff by her side.

“Sire, my sister, uh Queen Elsa sent me away from the fight I heard what Prince Hans had to say to her and she believed him and trust me I had no idea why at the time because you know he kinda tried to you know.. um kill her - but I’m glad she did because without his help I have no idea what would have happened. Hans has changed for the better your majesty’s and I beg you to please not send him back to Elba,” Anna pleaded.

“If I remember correctly Princess Anna, didn’t Hans play with your emotions?” One of my brothers asked.

“Yes, he did but he’s changed and it’s because of Celia that he has changed,” Anna responded.

“Who is Celia?” my mother interjected. Stepping back a few paces, I gently ushered Celia closer towards my parents.

“Mother, Father, this is Celia of Arendelle, she was wrongly put on Elba but she means the world to me. I almost lost her because of the Captain but through Elsa’s forgiveness she’s still with me today and I want you to know that Celia is the love of my life.” My mother smiled, approvingly while my father and brothers remained stone cold.

“We’ll discuss this and come up with a verdict in a half an hour, you may go.” The way they had said it made me think that I would be going back to Elba on the next boat, sighing in despair I turned with Celia who, midway through the hall stopped took her arm out of mine and marched up to the throne.

“I’m sorry, I hope you’ll forgive me but you should know something. Hans doesn’t deserve to go back to Elba. He did at first and I couldn’t be more happy that you sent him to me but you see him standing there a changed man, you’ve heard from the woman he hurt that he’s changed. What is there to think about? He’s your son, your brother, I’d have thought you’d want him home more than anything, that’s what any parent would want. They’d want their child home, safe and happy, can’t you see that he’s all of those things now? Doesn’t he deserve some sort of.. redemption?” She asked. My father’s eyes hardened then directed his gaze towards the guards.

“Take her out of my sight at once,” his voice bellowed. The guards began advancing towards her. Before they could reach her I grabbed her hands and pulled her out of the room.

“I love what you did back there Celia but I really don’t think it helped,” I whispered to her softly. Her face remained strong and unmovable.

“Oh I know it worked and when we go back in there and he tells you that he lifted the ban you’re going to kiss me right then and there in front of everyone,” she responded confidently. I raised my eyebrows, unconvinced.

Half an hour later, we were all summoned back into the throne rooms where my father and all of my brothers had hard expressions. I knew that they were going to send me back, not because of what Celia had said but because of what I had done. I stood in front of my father and mother and bowed my head in humility.

“Hans, after much discussion and thought. I, the King, of the Southern Isles lift the ban for your heroics and change of heart. Consider yourself, redeemed,” he responded. I couldn’t believe it. Celia had gotten through to him and like she had said before I even thanked my father I turned my back went to Celia picked her up and smashed my lips to hers. Afterwards I returned to the front of the room with Celia, together we bowed and thanked him.  My father came down from his throne and held me in his arms.

“I’m so happy to have you back my son,” he whispered.

“Thank you father, I am too,” I responded.

“Keep that girl of yours,” he advised. I nodded. I didn’t plan on letting Celia go anytime soon. My mother hugged me next then talked with Celia.

“Oh Hans, I’m so happy you actually found someone, I really like her,” she complimented. I smiled and gazed at Celia, who stood with Anna smiling. “I sure do hope that there is a wedding coming along soon,” she hinted. Without taking my eyes off of her I smiled.

“You and me both,” I responded. Leaving my mother, I went back over to Celia, who gave me a ‘I told you so’ look. Kissing her again, I felt something else stir within me, something completely different. It felt like forgiveness, love, a second chance, I guess you could called Redemption.

The End.

Thank you SOOOO much for reading this!!! It truly means the world to me!

I do not own Frozen or it's characters (just Celia) thanks again!

Redemption: A Frozen Fan fiction (Hans love story)Where stories live. Discover now