Chapter Six: Retaliation

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*Several Weeks later*

    No one keeps some source of calendar here. I inquired to Alberto as to why that it was and he told me that the majority of the prisoners here are banished for life, so there’s no point in counting the days. It seemed to make sense but I for one would not be here for life.

    The loud gong woke me up, again, as it usually does every morning and I only wish that I had the power to strangle the devil who rings it everyday. After the gong finishes ruining my sleep, and like the undead I get up from the ground and notice something that’s utterly terrifying.. The barracks where I live no longer smell. I look around the other groggy men getting out of their beds and take in a long inhale and smell nothing. When I mean ‘nothing’ I mean, I don’t smell anything that makes me want to throw up.

“Hey, you alright amigo?” Alberto asked. I ignored his question and ran out of the barracks and into the sleeping morning and took another inhale, nothing special. I raise my arm and smell.. nothing! “Oi Hans, what’s wrong with you?” Alberto inquired. My eyes reached his and my emotions reached panicked.

“I need to get off this island,” I muttered then stomped to the food hall where we were served... slop or as everyone here calls it, Cream of Wheat... Messing with my slop I started to think of different ways I could possibly escape the island and be successful in the process.

“Morning,” a light feminine voice greeted, my eyes went up slightly to see who had approached me. Celia. I ignored her, too involved with my plan. Instead of leaving like I had hoped, she sat down directly in front of me.

“This is the part where you say ‘good morning Celia’,” she responded as if to remind me.

“And why would I do that?” I asked irritated.

“Because you’re a prince, you’re supposed to have manners or at least that’s what I’ve heard,” she explained.

“Yeah? That’s what you think? Well are princes’ supposed to get exiled by their fathers?” I snapped. This caught her off guard but she pursed her lips together defiantly.

“Whatever, I was just trying to be nice, not that you deserve it from the looks of things but I’m the nicest person you’ll find in this place, cazzo,” she growled and got up to leave. I sighed in frustration.

“I’m sorry Celia, you’re right... I’m being rude. Just because I’m temporarily living with animals doesn’t mean I have to act like one. Good morning, how are you?” I asked with a changed attitude. Celia smiled, a proud sort of smile like she had accomplished something great. 

“I’m really well thank you,” she replied as she sat down.

“Celia, if I may, what’s a nice girl like you doing here anyway?” A dark shadow passed over her face, almost like nostalgia but more of the negative kind.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” she mumbled.

“I’ll tell you what I did, if you tell me what you did?” I probed.

“Look, I told you I didn’t want to talk about it,” she spat.

“Well now who’s being rude?” I pointed out. Without another word she got up and threw her empty slop bowl away. I finished eating as Alberto got to his seat and I went out in the fields and looked at the all the vines. Tiny little grapes had started to sprout and after hating them I went about my duties.

    About noon, I heard a disturbance somewhere in the middle of everything and turned my aching back to see what it was. I saw Carlo and his pal carry Celia’s arms and started to drag her. She seemed to be protesting against them. I had no idea what they were doing to her but from the looks of Carlo’s face it wasn’t going to be very respectful or honorable.

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