Chapter Five: First Day

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Throughout the night I had awaken to strange sounds made by other men, on top of that the air blew in from the door making the air chilly and even harder to sleep. By the time I was able to block out the noises, get in a warm, comfortable position, sleep still itched to come over me. At long last my eyes drooped to a close and I fell asleep once more. Not even 30 minutes had passed when ungodly gong sounded off loudly and nonstop. Startled I sat upright but forgot about the bed above me, groaning in pain I slumped back down onto my clothes. When the gong finally quieted down I attempted to go back to sleep but a pestering voice disrupted me.

“Hey, amigo, we gotta get up.” It was Alberto... That kid just didn’t know when to stay quiet.

“Well amigo, you aren’t exactly the boss of me and therefore I don’t have to do anything you tell me. I barely got any sleep last night because of the loud buffoons out there so I am going back to sleep,” I snapped groggily. Alberto climbed out of his own bunk hole and crawled over to me.

“Amigo, trust me, you goin’ to want to come with me, or else you’re going to get flogged and that isn’t something that you want. Just get up and I promise I’ll never talk to you again,” Alberto whispered. I was tempted to listen to him but remembered that he was convict and probably had a history of lying, just like me and everyone else in this place.

“Uhuh, nice try Alberto! Trying to make the new guy look like an idiot, very funny but I’m not going to fall for it,” I responded lightly. I rested my body against the hard floor once again, trying to get in a somewhat comfortable position before drifting back to sleep.

    Something cold and wet came into contact with my skin causing me to jump and hit my head on the bunk above. Angry that another pran had just been pulled, I growled and demanded to know who had dared wake me. My eyes adjusted and saw the man who slept above me. Carlo.

“You overslept, pig, and now because of you we have to work longer hours and believe me when I say doing something like that has bigger consequences than a wet wake up call,” he growled. “Get up and get in the vineyards, it’s time to water the grapes.” With that he and the others who had backed him up stomped out of the barracks. Standing up, while caressing my head wound I walked out the barracks and into the heat of day. Not knowing what I do I simply followed everyone else until I found the man who has shown me around yesterday. I went up to him in hopes that would show me where to go.

“Ah about time galeotto, hope you slept well,” he joked.

“Not really,” I sneered.

“Ah - ah, you must call me Master from now on galeotto,” he reprimanded.

“I will not, you are not my master. I am a Prince I do not call anyone ‘master’,” I snapped. The guide took hold of my stiff collar and pulled me down so that my ear was against his mouth

“Hey! You better watch your mouth galetto, you’re in my territory, my Kingdom and you will do as say or else,” he whispered harshly but I wasn’t afraid.

“Or else what?” I asked.

“Well galeotto there are worse things than death on this island,” he whispered again. Out of the corner of my eye I could see passerby’s all snickering to themselves and under better circumstances I would have had this fellow flogged for wounding my pride but his threat scared me. Mostly because it was true. I wasn’t in my domain anymore.

“Do we understand each other?” the man asked, releasing my collar.

“Yes,” I answered.

“Yes, what?”

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