The Battle With a New Enemy and Event Chapter 2

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--------Rangiku's POV--------

As I walk past my captain's office, I notice that the room is really quiet. I open the door to see if he is still inside, and the sight I see is cute. Captain Hitsugaya is asleep at his desk.

I needed to have him sign some papers, but I will just let him sleep. He is probably really mad at me for taking him away from Karin when she needed him. I will let him sleep a little longer.

Just as I am about to leave his office, I hear my captain scream. 'Oh no. He is having a nightmare.' I thought to myself. I turn to see my captain using all of the air in his lungs to scream.

I run towards him and try to shake him awake. It takes about fifteen minutes, but I finally manage to wake him up.

--------Toshiro's POV--------

When I wake up, I notice that Rangiku was trying to wake me up. My mind drifts off to my nightmare, and I break down into a sobbing fit.

--------Rangiku's POV--------

Once Captain Hitsugaya wakes up, he begins to cry. I have never seen my captain so vulnerable. At this point, he can't fight, he can't even find the strength to yell at me.

When my captain calms down, I ask him a question. "Captain, did your nightmare have something to do with Karin or the baby?"

He nodded. This is it. I storm out of Captain Hitsugaya's office and head for Head Captain Yamamoto's office.

-Ten Minutes Later-

As I stand in front of the huge doors that lead to the Head Captain's office, I think of what I am going to say to him.

When the doors finally open, I don't hesitate. I storm into the room, ready to talk to Head Captain Yamamoto.

"What did you need Lieutenant..." the Head Captain began. I didn't give him a chance to finish.

"Do you have any idea what you are doing to Captain Hitsugaya!?" I scream at him. He is taken aback with my quickness to get to the point.

"What do you mean, Lieutenant?" the Head Captain asks.

"I am talking about the fact of him not being able to go to the world of the living. Everyone knows he has a family he needs to get to. He has a pregnant wife to get to." I tell him. "I came into his office today. I found him asleep on his desk. As I was about to leave, I hear him scream. He had a nightmare about Karin. You can not do this to him. He is becoming a mess. Without his family, he won't be able to be a captain. Is that what you want? For Toshiro to not be a captain any more."

I tell the head captain everything that he is doing to my captain. I will not leave out a single detail. I want Toshiro to be happy with Karin like he was before Hichigo came along.

"Mat..." he tries to say.

"No. I will not let you treat anyone like this. Especially one who has a family that needs him in their lives. It would be like taking out a captain in a division. The job will not be done properly. By the way, the dream that Toshiro had, was about losing his wife and child." I say before leaving the room.

'I will let Toshiro see his family if it is the last thing I do.' I say to myself. I head to my squad so I can pick up Toshiro and take him to Karakura Town.


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