The Battle With a New Enemy and Event Chapter 12

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--------Karin's POV--------

When I woke up, Toshiro was wide awake. "How long have you been awake, Toshiro?" I asked him as I sat up on the bed.

"Not too long. Rangiku dropped by," he told me.

"Well, what did she want?" I asked him. I wonder why Rangiku stopped by.

"She wanted two things. One; how you are doing. Two; to tell me that Ichigo wants to talk to you," Toshiro said to me.

"Well, what did you tell her?" I asked him, for both reasons.

"I told her that there have been a few bumps. Also, that Ichigo needs to come here if he wants to talk to you," Toshiro told me as he held me closer.

"OK, Toshiro. Can you make me some food?" I asked him.

"Yeah, what do you want to eat?" he asked me as he got up from the bed.

"Can you make some chicken nuggets and french fries?" I begged more than asked.

Toshiro kissed my forehead and replied, "Yeah, just stay here until it is all done, OK?"

I nodded my head as he left to go make me some food.

--------Toshiro's POV--------

I should have guessed that Karin wanted some chicken nuggets. Lately she has been pestering me for some chicken nuggets.

I hurried back up to our bedroom and asked Karin, "Do you want them in the fryer or the oven?"

She looked up at the ceiling in thought before saying, "The fryer. It gives them a more well done feel."

"OK, the fryer it is then. It will be done in about fifteen minutes," I said to her as I left to go make her food.

--Fifteen Minutes Later--

Once Karin's food was done, I put it on a tray and brought it up to our room. "Here, Karin, the food is all ready." Right after I said that, she sighed with relief.

"Finally, I am starving!!" she said to me as I lied the tray on the bed. Once it was on the bed, she was already half-way done with the french fries.

"Karin," I began. Karin looked at me as I continued. "Maybe you should slow down on the food. I don't want you to choke from eating too fast."

She sighed with annoyance as she slowed down her eating.

As soon as she finished her food, there was a knock on the front door. "Stay here, Karin, I will go see who is at the door." She nodded as I left to answer the door.

When I opened the door, I was surprised to see Yachiru. "Yachiru, why ate you here?" I asked the lieutenant of squad 11.

"Kenny wanted me to stop by," she told me in her normal happy attitude.

"Why did Kenpachi want you to stop by?" I asked her. Whenever Kenpachi wants Yachiru to stop by, it is never good.

"Kenny wanted to ask you why you won't stop by the office. He comes by every day to see if you are going to train the new Soul Reapers. Kenny is tired of training both sets of new people," Yachiru said to me.

I completely forgot about the new Soul Reapers. "Yachiru, tell Kenpachi that I won't be able to train the new Soul Reapers for another month. Tell him to hold on for just one more month," I told the pink-haired lieutenant. She nodded and she was off to go tell Kenpachi.


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