The Battle With a New Enemy and Event Chapter 8

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--------Karin's POV--------

After I decided what we were going to do, Captain Unohana came into the room. "Have you two decided what you are going to do?" she asked us.

"Yes we have. We have decided to keep her inside of me. I don't want to lose her," I said to the Fourth Squad Captain.

"OK, in that case, I will need you two to stay here in the Soul Society," Captain Unohana tells us. I stare at her in shock.

"What do you mean by 'stay here in the Soul Society?'" I ask her.

She comes closer to me as she answers my question. "Karin, you must understand one thing. If you are to keep your daughter inside of you, you will have the most intense pain that only I am capable of easing. If you stay in the Soul Society, you won't have to go very far in order to get relief."

After she explained it, I understood the situation completely. "Well, if we are going to stay in the Soul Society," Toshiro began. "Where are we going to stay. My Captain's Quarters at my squad isn't big enough for both of us to stay at."

I knew Toshiro was right. I have visited his office before, so I have seen his sleeping quarters. Unohana smiled at us, "Don't worry about it. I had a feeling something like this would happen, so Yoruichi and I have constructed a house for you two to live in. The house isn't too far from here, so it won't be any trouble to bring Karin here when she is in pain."

Toshiro and I looked at each other. How could she have known that this might happen? Pushing this aside, I ask her, "Can we go see the house, Captain Unohana?" She nods and leads us to the house.

--Fifteen Minutes Later--

When we finally reached the house, I stared at it in awe. "Unohana, this house is beautiful. You said that you and Yoruichi made this house?" I said to her. She nodded her head in response.

"Yoruichi and I thought that you two would want to live in luxury while you stayed here," Unohana replied back.

"Wait, is there already furniture I. the house, or do we need to get some?" Toshiro asked Unohana.

"No, no, no. Yoruichi knew that you two would be in trouble if we wanted you to get your own furniture, so we put in stuff for you guys. We even stocked the fridge with enough food to last about two months," she said to my questioning husband.

"Well, can we see the inside?" I asked both captains. Simultaneously, Toshiro and Unohana nodded their heads.

I grabbed Toshiro's arm and ran inside of the house.

--------Toshiro's POV--------

After she was told that she could see the inside of the house, Karin grabbed my arm and ran inside of the house.

As soon as we entered the house, Karin let go of my hand and took off. "Karin! Wait for me!" I hollered after her.

It took me five minutes to find where she went to after she left me. I found her an a room that looked like a nursery. "Why did you stop in here, Karin?" I asked her. She was sitting in the rocking chair beside the crib.

She looked at me with the biggest smile on her face. "I am jut so happy that we will have our own family very soon," she said as she rubbed her stomach. I took notice that it got a lot bigger since Karin's episode of pain. It looks like she has already been five months pregnant.

"Yeah, and to think that our family is full of partial Soul Reapers and full Soul Reapers. Not the average family that you see on TV, but it is our family," I said as I came closer to her.

"Toshiro, my family was never normal. This is just an extension," she said to me as she lied my hand on her stomach.

As soon as my hand touched Karin's stomach, Matsuo kicked her foot. I smiled as I spoke the words, "I am glad that I met you that day on the sidewalk. I am glad I decided to pick up your soccer ball for you." I earned a smile from Karin for my statement.

"Having fun, are we?" I heard someone say.

I knew who that voice belonged to before I turned around. "What do you want, Hichigo." I said to the one and only hollow Ichigo.

"Oh, nothing. I just came by to see how Karin was doing, if that's OK with her husband," he said to me. Hichigo said husband, the same way I said Hichigo.

I was not about to hear what this guy wanted to say.


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