The Battle With a New Enemy and Event Chapter 7

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--------Toshiro's POV--------

When I saw Karin, she was in a feudal position on the floor. She was holding her stomach and crying out in pain.

When I got closer to Karin, I could see that it hurt so bad because she was crying violent tears.

"Kisuke!" I yelled to get the attention of the shop owner.

He ran into the room with great speed. "Is it Karin?" he asked. I nodded my head as tears started to flow down my cheeks.

Kisuke grabbed Karin and told me, "There is only one person who could figure out what is going on with Karin, Captain Hitsugaya. It's Captain Unohana." I nodded my head and followed Kisuke to his training area where he would open a Senkaimon.

-Twenty Minutes Later-

When we arrived in the Soul Society, Karin was screaming as loud as she possibly could. It hurt me to see her in this much pain. Now we were headed to Squad Four.

When we reached the squad, Captain Unohana looked like she had been waiting for us for some time. "So, you finally bring Karin to me, eh," she says to us. I just stare at her with a confused expression on my face. Kisuke just had a normal expression on his face.

"Give her to me," she says to Kisuke. He nods and hands her Karin. Karin is still clutching her stomach in agony.

To help her calm down, Unohana gives her some medication to ease her pain. Unohana then took and ultra sound of the baby. "No, this can't be," she said after a few minutes of looking on the screen.

"What, what is it Captain Unohana?" I ask her. I just want to know why Karin is in so much pain.

"It seems as though the baby's growth has sped up," she told me and Kisuke. "That is what is causing so much pain. Her body can't take how fast the baby is developing."

"So, what can we do to ease her pain?" I ask Unohana.

"The only thing that we can do to ease her pain now, is to remove the baby. If we do that though, the baby will be born prematurely and possibly not survive." she said to me with a look of sorry on her face. "If we leave the baby inside, Karin will have to carry her for another month before she will be fully developed. That will be one long month of pain and agony."

"Well, I think I will wait to discuss it with Karin. This is her body we are talking about," I told the captain.

Then Karin began to wake up. Unohana left the room, as well as Kisuke probably to give me a chance to talk to Karin alone.

"Karin, I need to talk to you about the baby," I told my wife.

"Is she OK, Toshiro?" she asked me. I nodded my head and began to tell her the situation.

"So, either we can take her out of me, and she could die; keep her inside of me for another month and go through hell from pain," Karin said to make sure she understood the situation. I nodded my head to show her that she was right. "Well the answer is obvious. I'll keep her inside of me. I may go through a lot of pain, but it will all be worth it once we see our little girl's eyes for the first time." I smiled at what she said. Karin always does what is best for everyone if she needs to.


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