The Battle With a New Enemy and Event Chapter 4

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--------Toshiro's POV--------

Once I was at Karin's door, I made no hesitation to knock on her door. "Come in!" I heard someone say.

Once I heard that, I opened the door and ran to Karin. She welcomed me with open arms, literally. As soon as she saw me, she opened up her arms for me to run into.

--------Karin's POV--------

As soon as I saw Toshiro, I opened up my arms so he could hold me into an embrace.

When he finally reached me, I felt like my life was back together. Toshiro and I hugged for about three minutes before we backed away from the hugging.

He put his hand on my stomach as he asked me, "Are you and our little girl OK?" I didn't have to answer him. It was almost as if she heard us because right after he asked me that, she kicked her little foot.

Toshiro jerked his hand back a little when he felt that. I could tell that he wasn't scared, just a little surprised. "Karin, was that what I think it was?" he asked me. I nodded my head in response to his question.

Another question soon followed the first. "When did she start to do that?" he asked me. I could see in his eyes that actually feeling the baby kick was the highlight of his day.

"She started to do that about twenty minutes ago, Toshiro." I told him.

To show me how happy he was, he kissed me. I did not hesitate in kissing him back.

Just as I really wanted a more passionate kiss, my dad spoke up. "Uh...hello. There are other people in the room. Save all of that stuff for after the baby is born." I blushed when I understood what he meant, then I yelled at him.

"Dad! Don't say stuff like that!" He raised his hands up in defeat. Then he guided Mom with him out of the room. "Where are you going, Dad?" I asked him.

"I think I will give you two some privacy," he said. We both blushed at what he said.

"I think that he should know that we are not stupid enough to do that," Toshiro said to me. I smiled at him as I gazed into his bright turquoise eyes.

With out thinking, I grabbed the back of his head so he could kiss me again. This time, we were able to make the kissing more passionate. Through the entire kiss, I thought, 'Man, I just want to rip his clothes off of him. I just want to feel his muscles.'

We backed away from each other when we needed air. I looked at Toshiro as I told him, "We are that dumb, aren't we?"

He looked at me as he answered my question. "Yeah, we are that dumb. At least we stopped ourselves before it got out of control." I smiled at his response.

To get away from the topic of how dumb we are, I put my hand on my stomach. Then I spoke to my baby girl. "I guess we didn't have to wait too long for daddy to come home, did we?"

Toshiro had a look of confusion on his face. "What are you talking about, Karin?" he asked me.

"Before you came back, I told our baby girl that we would have to wait for daddy to come home, which is you," I told him. Toshiro smiled as he put his hand on my stomach.

"You know, while I was gone, I couldn't stop thinking about you or her," he said as he rubbed my belly. "We still haven't thought of any names for her yet."

I mentally slapped myself at the realization of not even coming up with any names. Just before I could think of any names, I let out a huge yawn.

"Go to sleep, Karin. We will think of some names when you wake up," Toshiro said to me. I nodded and began to drift off into a deep sleep.


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