The Battle With a New Enemy and Event Chapter 5

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--------Karin's POV--------

I fell asleep after I was reunited with Toshiro.


I had just given birth to my baby girl. She had black hair, like me, and turquoise eyes, like Toshiro. Toshiro was at my side, holding her little hand. Then I spoke to him. "Toshiro, what should we name her?"

He looked to the sky as he thought of the possibilities. "Why don't we name her..."

End of Dream

When I awoke, Toshiro was looking at some photos. I could tell that they were pictures of our wedding, before the accident.

"You know, they say that when you look at your wedding photos, you are going to either split up, or the other person is dead. I really hope that neither of those are true," I said to him.

Toshiro quickly put the photos away and acted like he wasn't doing anything. "What are you talking about?" he asked me.

"Never mind. I thought of a name for our daughter while I slept," I told him. He leaned in like he was excited to hear the name that I came up with. "How about Matsuo?" I asked him.

"Tail of a pine tree, huh. I like it. It is something different and it is a pretty name," he said as he came and lied his hand on my stomach. "Matsuo Hitsugaya is a perfect name for our baby girl."

Just then Rangiku came into the room. "Hey, Captain. I came to see how Karin is doing." she said. Obviously she was drunk.

"Matsumoto, have you been drinking again?" Toshiro asked her, obviously knowing the answer.

"No, why do you think that," she slurred.

Toshiro stood up and lead her out of the room. "I am sorry, Matsumoto, but I will not allow you to come near Karin while you are drunk. Come back after you sober up." She pouted as she left the room.

"You know you are acting like Ichigo right?" I asked him.

He stared at me like I accused him of killing someone. "No I am not!" Toshiro screamed.

I nodded my head. "Yeah you are. You are being overprotective, like he is." I told him.

"What ever. I am not going to argue with you because of what happened last time. I couldn't walk for three days," he said to me.

"That is a good choice," I said back to him. Then I gave him a light kiss on his cheek.

Just then, Kisuke burst into the room. "What is it, Kisuke?" I asked him.

"Ichigo just woke up," he told us. We nodded as Toshiro picked me up. Then we were off to Urahara's shop.


Sorry for this being so short. :'(

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