The Battle With a New Enemy and Event Chapter 14

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--------Yuzu's POV--------

I looked at Ichigo. He had that same look that he had when he came home without mom. The day that he told us that mom was dead. "Please tell me that Karin is not dead, Ichigo," I said to him.

Ichigo shook his head. "She is not dead, she is missing," he said to me. That sentece felt like a stab in the heart.

"Toshiro, what happened to Karin?!" I screamed at him more than asked him.

He wiped away his tears as he told me what happened.

--Five Minutes Later--

"So you ran up to your room, and she was gone?" I asked him. Toshiro had already explained it five times to me, but I just wanted to be absolutely positive.

"Yes, Yuzu. Toshiro told you the whole story five times. I don't think that his story is going to change any time soon," Ichigo said to me.

"Well, I just want to be sure that he isn't hiding any of the story from us," I said back to Ichigo in that leave-me-alone kind of way.

"Yuzu," Toshiro began. "Why would I hide any detail of my wife's disappearance? I love Karin. There is no way that I hide anything from anyone. I really want to find Karin." At this point Toshiro was getting kind of mad.

--------Toshiro's POV--------

I was getting a little mad that Yuzu would think that I would hide anything about Karin vanishing.

Ichigo put a hand on my shoulder as I got even angrier. "Toshiro, calm down. The temperature is dropping." That is when I noticed that there was ice on the ground.

I calmed down as I said, "I'm sorry. I just...I got mad that Yuzu would think that I would hide something. Everyone knows that I love Karin. I wouldn't do anything that would lead us away from her."

"It's OK, Toshiro. Now think. Who would take Karin away for any reason." Rukia said. That is when something in brain clicked.

"Ichigo, have you located your inner hollow?" I asked him. He shook his head. "I think I have an idea about who has Karin." Everyone looked at with intrest. "I think that Hichigo has her."

Ichigo's mouth dropped opened wide. "H-Hichigo. Why do you think that?" he asked me. Then I proceeded to tell them what has happened with me, Karin, and Hichigo.

--Ten Minutes Later--

After I recalled the experiences, Yuzu got up from her seat. "Where are you going, Yuzu?" Rukia asked her.

"I am going to get Kisuke. Maybe he has an idea about how we can find both of them," she replied. With that, she left to get Kisuke.

"So, you really think that Hichigo has Karin?" Ichigo asked me. I nodded.

"I am pretty sure that Hichigo would be the person to take Karin away from me. He has been really bent on trying to talk to her; for what reason, I have no clue," I said to the Substitute Soul Reaper. He put his hand on his chin as if he was trying to think about something.

"What are you thinking about, Ichigo?" Rukia asked him as she put her hand on top of his. I saw this and became really confused. I dismissed this thought.'If something is going on between those two, they can tell me when they are ready,' I thought to myself.

"i am just thinking about the possibility of Hichigo taking her to my inner world. Before he split away from me, he said something about bringing Karin here to have a 'chat,'" Ichigo said to the Thirteenth Division Soul Reaper.

"Is that even possible?" Rukia asked him.

"It is very possible young Kuchiki," we heard someone behind us say.

"Kisuke, did you hear my theory?" Ichigo asked him. Kisuke nodded as he took a seat beside me.

"There have been many accounts of people being dragged into someone's inner world from an inner hollow, or a Zanpakuto. it has even happened to me once," the stripped hat shop owner said to all of us.

We stared at him in disbelief. "So, Ichigo's theory could be correct," I asked the man. He only nodded in response.

--------Ichigo's POV--------

I was listening to Urahara when I heard his voice in the back of my head.

"So, you figured it out, haven't you, King?"

"So, you have decided to run away from us? I never thought that you would run to my inner world. I guess my hollow is scared."

"Yeah right. i only came her because you are the only one who can come her upon will. It would be hard for you to get your precious sister from me by yourself.'

"Well, that is the definition of scared in my mind."

"Well, call me whatever you want. All I know is that you will never get your sister back, unless I say so."

"We will see about that." With that, Hichigo stopped talking and I was back to communication with everyone else.


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