Chapter 6

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After Jimin and Yoongi had started the bet, Yoongi had gone out of his way to try to get kids to like him more. He failed almost every single time.

"Look! Another kid is coming. Now's my chance!" Yoongi exclaimed, pointing at a young boy who was walking alone.

Jimin turned to him, an amused expression on his face. "That could be taken so out of context."

Yoongi ignored him, putting on a bright smile as the boy got closer to them.

"He must be like ten or eleven. What's he doing roaming Disneyland by himself?" Jimin whispered. Yoongi shrugged.

"Hi!" Yoongi waved down at the kid when he finally stopped in front of them, a confused look on his face.

The boy didn't say anything, just continued to stare between the two males.

"What's your name?" Yoongi spoke up after a couple seconds of silence. The boy remained quiet.

"Heyo! C'mon, you can't ignore Prince Charming like that!" Yoongi faked a laugh, starting to get annoyed that the kid wasn't expressing any emotion.

Yoongi faked a pout, giving the kid puppy eyes. "Pleeease talk~" Jimin actually choked on air at how Yoongi was practically begging this kid.

"You look like a faggot." The kid said before turning and walking away, still devoid of any actual emotion.

Yoongi blinked.

Jimin burst out laughing, clutching his stomach as he fell to the ground. Yoongi rubbed at his temples, annoyed.

"H-he called you- AHAHAH." Jimin continued to clutch his stomach, his face going red at how hard he was laughing.

"That shit doesn't affect you?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

Once Jimin finally got his breath back and his laughter had calmed down, he sat up.

"Of course not. My friends used to say it jokingly all the time. I don't really take those words offensively, they're more funny to me." Jimin explained before finally standing back up and brushing off his butt.

Yoongi groaned, closing his eyes tightly. "Why do these damn kids hate me? All I want is to fucking make them happy, but no. They fucking hate me for no fucking reason. Fuck."

Yoongi heard Jimin burst into laughter again. This time even harder. He didn't care.

Once he heard Jimin actually choking to get air because he was laughing so hard, he opened his eyes. He instantly knew why the male was laughing.

There in front of him, with shocked expressions, was a little girl and her parents.

A/N: I just wanna say whoever reading this right now you're beautiful and I hope you had/will have an amazing day

Happy ending; YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now