Chapter 12

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"You're on." Taehyung smirked at Jimin, who was a hot mess. The male paced back and forth in his dressing room, pursing his lips together. Him and Yoongi were about to go on stage and pretend to be a couple.

Namjoon told them that almost everyday at noon they would 'preform' on stage for people eating their lunch. Jimin didn't think much of it until Namjoon said at the end of the performance they would have to kiss.

Just thinking about kissing Yoongi made Jimin want to jump up and cheer but cry in a corner at the same time. His stomach was doing flips and tricks, making him feel slightly nauseous. He thought about what would happen if when they kiss he accidentally pukes on Yoongi, causing his eyes to go wide.

"I can't do this- oh my god- I can't do this." He rambled, still pacing back and forth. Taehyung chuckled before putting his hands on both of Jimin's shoulders, making him stop in his tracks.

"Calm the fuck down." He laughed. "Take some deep breaths, it will help." Jimin followed his orders and took a deep gulp of air. He held it for a moment before breathing out. "There. Now, you have to go on stage. You got this dude, stop worrying so much." Jimin nodded, although still nervous.

"Thanks, Tae." He gave Taehyung a sad smile before walking out of the room towards the waiting area for actors about to go on stage. "Where am I? This is not my land- this is a different place. How did I get here?" Jimin overheard Yoongi reciting his lines to the audience on stage.

Jimin leaned slightly around the curtain to see the crowd- his eyes went wider than ever as he saw over a hundred faces in the sea of people. He gulped before stepping backwards, feeling his hands start to shake.

He wasn't nervous because of the people in the crowd; he's performed in front of thousands before. He was nervous because of the fact that he had to kiss Min Yoongi! He felt butterflies erupt in his stomach just thinking about it.

"Is there anyone who can help me? Please! I am lost!" Yoongi called out from on stage, cueing Jimin on. The younger man took a deep breath before jumping onstage and puffing his chest out.

"Fear not, for I am Prince Eric!" He called out, making the crowd cheer. "Are you hurt, fair Sir? I can bring thee to my castle for dinner." Jimin thought the script was honestly horrid, but the audience seemed to love it.

"Please Sir, I am lost and do not know the way back to my kingdom." Yoongi fell to his hands and knees, pleading for 'Prince Eric' to save him. "Take my hand." Jimin cooed, jotting his hand out for Yoongi to grab.

Their fingers entwined, causing chills to flow down Jimin's spine. "Oh, thank you dear Sir. However can I repay you?" Yoongi stood up and tried to run towards Jimin, but tripped. As part of the act, Jimin caught him in his arms and smirked.

"You can give me a kiss." He whispered, probably too quiet for the audience to hear. Their eyes locked as Yoongi's face got closer. Jimin could feel his breath on his lips. His throat closed up as he felt his panic take over.

"I-I can't." He let go of Yoongi and stumbled back. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows at him, questing what was wrong. "I'm sorry." Jimin apologized before quickly running off stage and to his dressing room. Taehyung, who was watching from behind the curtain, quickly ran after him.

"What the hell?" Taehyung asked as he watched Jimin fall onto the couch in exhaustion.  "I don't want mine and Yoongi's first kiss to be part of some stupid act." Jimin groaned, covering his face with his arms.

"So you do like him!" Taehyung yelled. "I fuckin' knew it!" Jimin groaned once again. He just wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear.

"What?" Both boys turned to where the voice was coming from. Jimin sucked in a sharp breath as he saw Yoongi standing in the doorway, a concerned expression on his face.

"Jimin, you have feelings for me?"

A/N; CLIFFHANGER LOOOL anyways do you guys think I should edit this book and make it better so that i'll actually like it? I want to but that means all of your comments will be gone and I don't want that :( I just regret making this book because it was a good idea to me at first but now I hate it cause it's so cringy and cliché and ugh

anyways thanks for reading ! If you enjoyed don't forget to leave a comment or vote :) love ya guys and hope you have a wonderful day! <3

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