Chapter 9

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64 days

"You've worked here for like three months yet you still haven't even gone on any of the rides?" Jimin stared at Yoongi in disbelief. The boys with sitting in their changing room, along with Tae who was scrolling through his Instagram feed.

Jimin sat at his makeup stand as usual, while Yoongi and Tae sat on the black leather couch together. It was just after closing time, but the boys decided to hang around for a little simply because they were too lazy to get up so soon.

"Really?" Taehyung finally looked up from his phone for the first time in almost twenty minutes, his eyebrows raised and a slight grin on his face. Yoongi shook his head with a chuckle.

"What about it?" Yoongi asked, shrugging his shoulders as if it was no big deal. In all honesty, he just didn't have anyone to explore the park with.

"Dude! We neeeed to show you." Taehyung sat up, now clearly excited about the new adventure they planned to embark on. Jimin nodded quickly, finding the idea to be one that he liked.

"Plus, it's just us in the park." Jimin smirked devilishly. "That means we can do whatever we want?" Yoongi asked, catching on to what the boys meant. They both nodded in unison, smirks still growing on their young faces.

"Us three. The entire park. Free. We can do whatever we want." Taehyung's voice was low and ominous, causing a weird feeling to form in Jimin's stomach. Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek with a raised eyebrow; he looked deep in thought.

"Invite your boyfriend." Jimin broke the silence, turning to Taehyung. The male's eyes lit up in excitement. "True! He just got out of work too." Taehyung jumped to his feet and rushed out of the room, probably to call Jungkook.

"Can't we get fired?" Yoongi seemed slightly nervous. Jimin felt a pang in his heart seeing the boy being so innocent. "That's only if we get caught." Jimin responded, heart still melting at how cute the boy was.

"We don't have to if you don't want to." Jimin added, making Yoongi look up at him with a small smile. ""Thanks, Chim. I'll do it. We just can't get caught, alright?" Jimin made a face that symbolized the word 'duh' before smiling at him, showing off his perfectly aligned teeth.

"Jungkookie is coming!" Taehyung ran into the room once again, a large smile on his face. "Yay." Jimin laughed sarcastically. Taehyung pouted and slapped him on the arm lightly, making the male wince.

"He's gonna sneak over the front gate as usual then?" Jimin asked; it wasn't their first time doing this. Taehyung grinned and nodded before gesturing for the boys to follow him out of the building.


After Jungkook almost broke his neck after falling off of the guard gate and landing on Taehyung; they finally made it to their first destination for the night.

"The chaser." Taehyung smirked at the large metal contraption in front of them. The ride was composed of a large metal ship that two people could sit in, while another large metal ship chased dangerously close after them.

"This rides always been super scary for kids and adults." Jungkook tried to make his voice lower to scare the other boys. It didn't work.

"Someone died on it like five years ago." He spoke up again after a long silence of all the boys staring. This got their attention.

"You know how the second ship chases you? Some dude went on and thought he was actually gonna die. Police say he was on some kinda drugs or somethin'." Jungkook paused for dramatic effect. "Anyways, he somehow unlocked the door that lets you in and jumped out, right onto the second ships front."

He pointed to the second ship; the front of it was painted black and extremely pointy. Jimin drew in his breath and winced, thinking about how bad that would hurt. "Died instantly." Jungkook finished, leaving the four boys in a tense silence.

Suddenly Jungkook burst out laughing, his face going red. "Y-you guys actually believed that? Fucking idiots." Yoongi and Taehyung both rolled their eyes while Jimin blushed, clearly embarrassed.

"I didn't know. I only started working here a couple years ago." Jimin shrugged. Taehyung nodded; he had started around the same time Jimin had. 

Yoongi lifted his arm and flung it around Jimin's shoulder, smiling at him. Jimin smiled back shyly, his cheeks slightly red due to the slight chill.

"Hey baby, do you wanna go on the tilt o' whirl after this?" Jungkook asked, turning to Taehyung. The male smiled widely at the nickname before throwing his arms around Jungkook's shoulders and bear hugging him.

Jungkook grinned and nuzzled his face into the crook of Taehyung's neck, humming softly. "Love you cutie." Taehyung whispered, still smiling. "Love you so so much." Jungkook replied, rubbing his hand up and down Taehyung's back.

Jimin bit the inside of his cheek, feeling jealous that him and Yoongi weren't being a cute couple. If only, he thought. After a moment of comfortable silence, they finally broke apart from each other.

"You two can go on first." Taehyung winked as he nudged Jimin's arm, making Jungkook widen his eyes in realization. "Yeah, Tae will operate the ride so just sit back and relax."

Yoongi nodded and walked towards the door of the ship, which Taehyung had already opened for them with a press of a button. Jimin followed him in, looking around the familiar interior of the ship.

The ship's inside was built almost like a box, only two large window that was on the front and the back wall right above a metal bench for people to sit on. Yoongi shrugged and sat down, Jimin sitting next to him.

They both strapped themselves in as the warning light blinked, meaning they had five seconds to get safely secured before the ride started.

"It's kinda hot in here." Yoongi commented, turning to Jimin. Jimin chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "That sounds like the beginning of some really cheesy pick up line." Yoongi laughed along, his face falling as the ride started to shake.

"It shakes at first, then goes really fast as if you're falling, it's kinda weird but cool at the same time." Jimin tried to explain his best, but failed miserably. Yoongi chuckled and shuffled closer to Jimin.

"I'm kinda scared." He said, turning back and looking out of the large window behind them. "That thing is really fast." He looked worried, Jimin found it adorable.

Suddenly the boys heard a loud bang and felt the ship started to fall, causing Yoongi to scream in fright. Jimin just watched in awe, knowing it was only part of the ride. He felt his heart swell as Yoongi clung to him, actually thinking they were in danger.

Jimin sighed to himself, feeling content and happy with life now that Yoongi was in it. As Yoongi continued to cling to him and scream, Jimin grinned softly.

Maybe falling isn't so bad after all.


also btw I'm making Jikook be a story representation of how me and Jimmy (tloml) are in real life lOL

anyways how are you guys? I wanna know how my precious readers are :,)

thanks for reading ! love you guys so so so much <3

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