Chapter 13

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Warning: this is trash

Jimin was completely frozen. In the moment he forgot how to move. How to breathe. How to think.

All he knew was to look into Yoongi's eyes and pray.

Pray that things wouldn't change. That his feelings for the older boy wouldn't cause their friendship to become nothing more than a small fling that would eventually fade to nothing.

"I'm sorry." Were the first words to escape past Jimin's lips. Yoongi stared at him, lips parted slightly to show his shock. Taehyung's jaw was nearly dropped to the floor, knowing he had just sold out his best friend.

Taehyung turned to face Yoongi and gave him a small nod of sorrow before silently leaving the room. Jimin and Yoongi remained staring at each other, eyes locked and cheeks flushed.

"Why are you apologizing?" Yoongi whispered, not daring to be any louder in fear that Jimin might break. He'd never seen the boy be so afraid than he had on stage before he ran off. He was worried and scared for him.

"Because." Jimin replied, cutting the word short. He was scared to even speak, let alone confess all of his feelings in one big outburst. Yoongi moved closer, close enough to sit next to the boy on the couch. So that's what he did.

"Jimin, calm down." Yoongi instructed, noticing how Jimin's chest rose and fell at a much faster rate than it should. "Take some deep breaths. Everything is okay."

Jimin nodded before taking a gulp of air. The coolness hit the back of his throat, almost causing him to choke.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Yoongi asked, smiling softly yet still seeming serious. Jimin nodded slowly, slightly scared of what was to come. Yoongi seemed hesitant for a moment, his lips parted and hair frazzled from running.

"I have feelings for you too." Jimin's breath caught in the back of his throat. He could swear he felt his heart stop.

"You do?" He asked, genuinely surprised that someone as beautiful and perfect as Yoongi could like him back.

"Jimin, I've had feelings for you since the first week we met." Yoongi laughed, relaxing now that the tension had almost completely gone away. Jimin stared at him, dumbfounded.

"It was honestly really obvious." Jimin blushed, embarrassed that he hadn't picked up on it sooner.

"So, what does this make us?" Jimin asked after a moment of calming down. Yoongi smiled at him, his eyes sparkling slightly in the light.

"It makes us a couple. I hope." Jimin could swear he felt his stomach actually do a flip. He nodded, biting his lip to conceal the goofy smile that threatened to spread across his face.

"Can I kiss you?" Yoongi suddenly asked, who had already started to lean in. Jimin didn't need to reply, for their faces were already far too close.

Jimin's plump lips met Yoongi's soft ones and meshed together beautifully. Yoongi smiled into the kiss, relieved he had finally let out his feelings after months of holding them back.

(Ok so i'm a terrible writer and don't know how to make this go smoothly so ima just tell you guys .-. so they just kissed for the first time but like pretend like you're watching a movie and they kiss and then the camera pans out and they pull apart and they're on stage in front of an audience. like a year later or something idk zlkdjjlad sorry I'm trash)

They pulled apart and stared at each other, eyes locked and full of love.

The crowd went wild. People stood up and threw small flowers on stage. Jimin smiled widely at the audience, his smile lighting up the room.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen," Taehyung said loudly into the mic, who had been the narrator for the play. He could barely be heard over the crowd who was still applauding the young boys.

"was Yoonmin's Happy Ending!"



I tried to make it cute but it turned into actual trash I'm so >.> but anyways if you guys didn't get it BASICALLY Yoonmin is a couple and instead of making a whole different story for the audience at Disneyland they just tell their story and Tae narrates it so this entire story was basically just tae talking to the audience and the dialogue is obviously yoonmin acting it out to the audience?? you get me??? idk I suck

sorry this is such a flop lol, anyways I'm about to go update my new (and actually good) story Cut; Jikook and it would mean the world to me if you guys gave it a read!

as always thanks for reading and even tho I hate this book and I'm happy its done ill admit I did have fun writing it <3 stay beautiful guys!

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