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The first day was everything one would expect from any first day of school. Boring and tedious. Although her morning eye-candy had been anything but.

Yesterday morning she had woken up to a sexy demi-god emerging from the shower  and this morning she'd woken up to the calculating glare of a gorgeous brunette. It didn't take a genius to tell you which she preferred.

Monday had drifted slowly away until it disappeared in the horizon of mistakes past. Aside from her temporary lapse in judgement that morning, the rest of the day had been completely uneventful.

From the reaction of most of the Tyrell's population, she took it that sitting with Devin at breakfast, lunch and dinner was a pretty big deal. She'd found herself enjoying it quite a bit actually and she couldn't deny that it was mostly due to Devin's dimpled friend Taylor.

He was the kind of person who could make you laugh so hard you just MIGHT grow a six pack. The two of them had taken to each other so quickly she was pretty sure Devin had felt a little out of the loop.

Well, Ava thought, it's not my fault he decided to be Mr Grouchy-Pants.

She had only caught glimpses of her illusive siblings yesterday and she was  ashamed to say she was glad of it. Why they couldn't be more like the lovable Taylor, she would never know.

For perhaps the first time, Ava thought of her stepmother. She wasn't quite sure if she should refer to her as that or simply as Diedra. She was definitely too old to start calling another woman mother, step or not.

Studiously ignoring Merrissa who continued to stare at her, Ava got up and moved towards the bathroom. Only to turn back around slightly when she heard the slight clearing of the brunette's throat.

Raising an eyebrow at her was as much courtesy as Ava thought this girl deserved. When Merrissa only continued to glare at her, she rolled her eyes and slammed the door as she entered the bathroom.  Fuck this shit.

As she angrily scrubbed at her body, Ava wondered what on earth that girl's problem was. Something about her got on her last nerve and Devin said she was bad news. Which in turn brought out her protective-big-sister mode.

Last night when Devin and Taylor walked her back to her dorm, Merrissa had been stewing silently on her bed. They hadn't exchanged a single word. To believe that sweet Taylor had a crush on her was mind-blowing!

Then again boys would be boys. He probably couldn't see past her perky breasts and long shiny hair.

As she let the water wake her up gently, Ava decided that she would be the first to wave the white flag. In the spirit of being the older and more mature of the girls.

Stepping out she towl dried her hair and decided she'd have to blow dry it. When it was dry enough she pulled it up in a messy bun and walked out of the bathroom, robe intact.

She'd forgotten to bring her uniform in the shower with her, but when she got out, her roommate was long gone. Crisis averted she thought.


As Ava entered the dining hall, her eyes quickly scanned the crowd for Devin and Taylor. They were her only friends here so far. Her stomach grumbled as the alluring aromas hit her nose buds.

Duck breast, glazed with orange and honey, crispy mash and confused duck legs with a rich vegetable and stock sauce. For dessert there was a freshly made strawberry tart.

Of course there were alternatives for the people whose mouthes wouldn't eat just about any food item. However nothing was going to stand between her and the main meal of the day. The food at this school was reason enough to attend.

I'll do it my wayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ