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Hope you have an amazing summer, thank you to all those still reading, it mean a lot to me:))

Desgraçado (Bastards)

Araceli senior had overcome every single stereotype that had ever been slopped in the bowl of life-whilst-female. She would never be anyone's victim. And neither would her grandchildren.

From a young age she had always known that she would run an empire. Being born in the early forties of patriachal Brazil was not easy for someone like her. She grew up with immense wealth and had always thought she had the world at her fingertips. Until he was born...

Even to this day, he was the bain to her existence! As soon as he was born, her place in the world fell. Her father's plans for her changed from running the company, to getting married. A plan that had worked out very well for her, until her husband's unfortunate demise...

Now the only things standing in her way were her good for nothing son-in-law and her nephew. Her son-in-law she could handle, he was her most prized possession's father, hurting him would hurt them.

Her nephew she didn't want to have to deal with, after all, she had basically helped raise the boy. He should be happy enough with what he would inherit from his mother's side but he was coming for what was hers and that never ended well for anyone.

"Your drink ma'am." said Eliza, her housemaid, as she placed the drink in front of her.

Araceli took a sip and then rolled her eyes before placing it on her her deskwith a frown of disgust, "Eliza, do you know that a Caipirinha is Brazil's national drink?"

"Yes ma'am," she replied, not knowing where her Boss was going with this but knowing that it couldn't possibly end well for her.

"Bem feito (well done)" she turned the glass around and frowned slightly, before regaining her impassive expression, "And you of course know that I myself am Brazilian, as is evidence by my maiden name, corrigir?"

"Y-yes ma'am."

"Good, muito bom," she said, briefly flashing her teeth at her prey in a way that could be described as a smile, "I have a reputation for being unfair and unnecessarily cruel as you may know, have you heard that rumour amongst the rest of the staff?"

"N-no ma'am." Eliza lied as she silently hoped that she would still have a job after this, difficult though she may be, Araceli paid very well and she had a family to feed. By this time sh already knew that there must be something wrong with the drink.

"So you agree with my sentiment; I'm too kind." she gave Eliza her first real smile. There's nothing that satisfied her more than crushing souls. "I just wanted to be fair, seeing as how I'm so kind, and fully understand the situation."

"What situation?"


"Sorry, uhm, what situation ma'am?"

"You, knowing that I am Brazilian, yet you knowingly insulted my national heritage by serving this disgusting mess under the guise of my national drink."

"Ma'am I-I didn't mean to-"

"But you did my dearest Eliza, you yourself said you were aware of everything that I've just said, as I assume you were when you made the drink 30 minutes ago so-"

Araceli was interrupted by her cellphone ringing and she sighed. Waving her hand she dismissed her. The girl had gotten off easy. As Eliza left, she let out a sigh of £:.

Once she left, Araceli grabbed her glass and took a huge gulp of her drink as she answered the phone, "Hello ."


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