On Patrol 21/22

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[It's been a while, son. How have you been?]

"Umm....not much. I guess."

[Uh oh, that doesn't sound too good.]



"When you met mom...how did you know she was your soulmate?"

[...I just knew, I guess. I wish I had a better way to explain this, but, I just knew the moment I saw her. I was drawn to her. She made me feel safe.]


[Yeah. That's the best I can describe it...but why are you asking me this? Do you think you've found the one?]

"Is it...Is it possible to fall for someone that isn't your soulmate?"

[I suppose so. I've had girlfriends before I met your mother...but it wasn't the same. A part of me always knew that the relationship wouldn't last.]


[Son...you know you can talk to me about anything, right?]

"...Dad...I'm scared."

[Of what?]

"I met someone....but....the person's taken. And I remember you telling me that soulmates aren't supposed to be with anyone when I first meet them...and I just want so badly for this person to be it...and now...the person's gone, and I seriously feel like I'm going to die."

[...Son, what is going on?]

"I don't know dad....he's gone....I can't find him....and I know he's not the one, but everyday I feel like I'm going to suffocate without him and if this isn't soulmate, what is, dad? I'm scared..."




Time goes by, and the dust finally settles enough for the officers to believe that everything is going to be alright. Both Yoongi and Namjoon have begun their rehabilitation, and the other officers come by as often as they can to cheer (annoy) them. Yoongi, as expected, slacks off with his rehab exercises, choosing to lazy his way into recovery by claiming that his own body will figure it all out. Namjoon, on the other hand, works perhaps a bit too hard, and it becomes Seokjin's duty to make sure the man isn't pushing his body beyond what he's capable in his state.

Taehyung now stays by his father's side, eating and sleeping at the hospital. Seokjin doesn't try to persuade the boy from sleeping back at his apartment, knowing fully well that Taehyung just needs his father right now, but he does being homecooked meal so the child isn't forced to eat bland hospital food or stuff from nearby restaurants all the time.

Jungkook and Jimin are allowed to return to their own lives. Needless to say, Jimin quits his job as a cashier and decides to take at least a semester off from college to give himself some time to heal. The two men decide to live in Jungkook's apartment together for the time being, for their own sake. Jungkook can't risk ever losing Jimin like that again and Jimin no longer feels safe living alone, so the other officers help Jimin move some of his belongings to the officer's place. Normally, Jungkook would be over the moon about the prospect of living with Jimin, but he can't even bring himself to be excited, with both Yoongi and Namjoon still in the hospital, which serves as a solid reminder of what had happened. Yet, he pushes on forward, doing his best to appreciate all the little things in life, like all the moments he shares with Jimin, the way Yoongi scowls when Jungkook tells him to stop being lazy and the way Namjoon smiles so fondly at his son who's lying snuggled by his side.

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